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Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 1 of 21 slides EU Fusion Research Data Base Survey Acknowledgement of Input First attempt of DB classification Desired DB properties/qualities Examples of existing DB’s p/q Summary
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 2 of 21 slides Contributors to the Survey 1.IPP-Garching 2.FZ- Juelich 3.FZ- Karlsruhe 4.ÖAW-EURATOM 5.Association ENEA-RFX 6.EURATOM-MEdC 7.EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association 8.Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 9.EU PWI Task Force 10.EU ITM Task Force 11.ITPA International Diagnostic Database 12.EFDA CSU-Garching 13.IPP-Greifswald
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 3 of 21 slides First attempt of DB classification Atomic Physics / SpectroscopyAtomic Physics / Spectroscopy Molecular PhysicsMolecular Physics MaterialsMaterials NeutronicsNeutronics Plasma-Wall Interaction / Plasma-Surface InteractionPlasma-Wall Interaction / Plasma-Surface Interaction (ITPA data bases)(ITPA data bases)
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 4 of 21 slides Atomic Physics / Spectroscopy ADAS Atomic Data and Analysis Structure Caretaker H.P. SummersADAS Atomic Data and Analysis Structure Caretaker H.P. SummersADAS Atomic Data and Analysis StructureADAS Atomic Data and Analysis Structure NIST Atomic Spectra Database Caretakers Yu. Ralchenko, A.E. Kramida, and J. ReaderNIST Atomic Spectra Database Caretakers Yu. Ralchenko, A.E. Kramida, and J. ReaderNIST Atomic Spectra DatabaseNIST Atomic Spectra Database AlladinAlladinAlladin ORNL database linksORNL database linksORNL database linksORNL database links Plasma Gate linksPlasma Gate linksPlasma Gate linksPlasma Gate links Atomic Database for Web Applications, ATOM paperAtomic Database for Web Applications, ATOM paperAtomic Database for Web ApplicationsATOM paperAtomic Database for Web ApplicationsATOM paper Kelly Atomic Line database Caretaker P.L. SmithKelly Atomic Line database Caretaker P.L. SmithKelly Atomic Line databaseKelly Atomic Line database Database for INELASTIC COLLISINS OF LITHIUM ATOMSDatabase for INELASTIC COLLISINS OF LITHIUM ATOMS Database for INELASTIC COLLISINS OF SODIUM ATOMSDatabase for INELASTIC COLLISINS OF SODIUM ATOMS Spectral data for highly ionized atoms: Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Kr, and Mo T. Shirai, J. Sugar, A. Musgrove, W.L. WieseSpectral data for highly ionized atoms: Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Kr, and Mo T. Shirai, J. Sugar, A. Musgrove, W.L. WieseSpectral data for highly ionized atoms: Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Kr, and MoSpectral data for highly ionized atoms: Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Kr, and Mo
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 5 of 21 slides Molecular Physics Atomic & Molecular Database Caretaker D. ReiterAtomic & Molecular Database Caretaker D. ReiterAtomic & Molecular DatabaseAtomic & Molecular Database HYDKIN Caretaker B. KueppersHYDKIN Caretaker B. KueppersHYDKIN NIST JapanNIST JapanNIST JapanNIST Japan The HITRAN Database Caretaker L.S. RothmanThe HITRAN Database Caretaker L.S. Rothman The HITRAN DatabaseThe HITRAN Database IAEA Molecular DatabaseIAEA Molecular DatabaseIAEA Molecular DatabaseIAEA Molecular Database AMDISAMDIS AMDIS Ehrhard/Langer and Janev/Reiter compilations for hydrocarbon dissociation/excitationEhrhard/Langer and Janev/Reiter compilations for hydrocarbon dissociation/excitation NIFS Database, Nagoya, JapanNIFS Database, Nagoya, JapanNIFS Database, Nagoya, JapanNIFS Database, Nagoya, Japan
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 6 of 21 slides Materials Online Data & Information Network for Energy (ODIN) JRC PettenOnline Data & Information Network for Energy (ODIN) JRC PettenOnline Data & Information Network for Energy (ODIN)Online Data & Information Network for Energy (ODIN) Materials Database Mat-DB JRC PettenMaterials Database Mat-DB JRC PettenMaterials Database Mat-DBMaterials Database Mat-DB Fusion Materials Database Caretaker P.J. KarditsasFusion Materials Database Caretaker P.J. KarditsasFusion Materials DatabaseFusion Materials Database MatWeb, Your Source for Materials InformationMatWeb, Your Source for Materials InformationMatWeb, Your Source for Materials InformationMatWeb, Your Source for Materials Information In the framework of the IAEA data have been collected for hydrogen retention (Diffusion coeff. recombination coeff, solubility) and will be published in 2007. Data for intermixing and phase formation were collected in APID, Vol. 12 (2003)In the framework of the IAEA data have been collected for hydrogen retention (Diffusion coeff. recombination coeff, solubility) and will be published in 2007. Data for intermixing and phase formation were collected in APID, Vol. 12 (2003) Thermo-mechanical data for fusion relevant materials were collected for ITER by V. BarabashThermo-mechanical data for fusion relevant materials were collected for ITER by V. Barabash MDB - GreifswaldMDB - Greifswald
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 7 of 21 slides Neutronics The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Nuclear Data Services (JEFF, EAF, IEAF)Nuclear Data Services (JEFF, EAF, IEAF)Nuclear Data ServicesNuclear Data Services European Activation SystemEuropean Activation SystemEuropean Activation SystemEuropean Activation System Nuclear Data Center at Japan Atomic Energy AgencyNuclear Data Center at Japan Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Data Center at Japan Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Data Center at Japan Atomic Energy Agency WWW Servers Related to Nuclear DataWWW Servers Related to Nuclear DataWWW Servers Related to Nuclear DataWWW Servers Related to Nuclear Data Table of Isotope Production Cross Sections (ACSELAM) S. Tanaka, N. Yamano,Table of Isotope Production Cross Sections (ACSELAM) S. Tanaka, N. Yamano,Table of Isotope Production Cross Sections (ACSELAM)Table of Isotope Production Cross Sections (ACSELAM) TALYS software for the simulation of nuclear reactionsTALYS software for the simulation of nuclear reactionsTALYS software for the simulation of nuclear reactionsTALYS software for the simulation of nuclear reactions
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 8 of 21 slides PWI / PSI Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion (APID Series)Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion (APID Series) Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion (APID Series)Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion (APID Series) Surface Interaction Database Caretaker D. ReiterSurface Interaction Database Caretaker D. Reiter Surface Interaction DatabaseSurface Interaction Database ORNL-Data Base on "Particle Interaction with Surfaces", E.W. Thomas ORNL-6088/V3 1985ORNL-Data Base on "Particle Interaction with Surfaces", E.W. Thomas ORNL-6088/V3 1985 Sputtering data for Fusion, experimental and computer simulated, compiled at IPP by W. EcksteinSputtering data for Fusion, experimental and computer simulated, compiled at IPP by W. Eckstein AlladinAlladinAlladin
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 9 of 21 slides Desired DB properties/qualities 1.Data base access a)Internet access Yes/No b)Medium: Paper, electronic form, relational database c)Public / restricted access d)Free / subscription fees? 2.Data base use a)Documentation b)User manual c)Data base tools / codes d)Data base interface 3.Data base status a)Range of data – gaps? b)Missing data / variables c)Other shortcomings
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 10 of 21 slides Comment on Data Base Interface EU ITM Task Force (P. Strand) Support to extend the Universal Access Layer backend or alternatively to create a set of standalone filters that would provide the connectivity or filter from the different experiments to the ITM-TF database and structures. This UAL should in principle cover all DB’s
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 11 of 21 slides Example (1) ADAS 1.Data base access a)Internet access – (yes) b)Relational database c)Restricted access (Open-ADAS free?) d)Subscription fee 2.Data base use a)Documentation - yes b)User manual - yes c)Data base tools - yes d)Data base interface - yes In general the access to the data is for a non-ADAS professional user not easy and the data format needs a thorough reading of the instruction manual (for e.g. to distinguish single lines from multiplets). One would wish more user friendly inputs/outputs. (User training ?)
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 12 of 21 slides Example (1) ADAS contd. 3. Data base status a)Range of data – gaps? Gaps exist especially in medium and highly ionised high-Z spectral data. For tungsten, results for energy levels and wavelengths could be obtained from EBITs (e.g. Fussmann, Berlin). For fusion charge exchange data there is still a need for basic cross section calculations by outside groups. ionisation per photon coefficients S/XB data for boron and tungsten are not (yet) available. Cross sections for charge-exchange collisions between C ions in different charge state. Atomic data for W, Be. Work to be done both for short wavelengths and high-Z ions (characteristic of high temperature plasmas) and for long wavelengths and low-Z ions (for divertor plasmas and other plasma sources, e.g. plasma source for ITER neutral beam). PECs (Photon Emission Coefficients) and ionisation and recombination cross sections for heavy and medium Z species. Development of time dependent CR models for He & Ar, useful for the measurement of electron density and temperature of the negative ion sources for ITER neutral beam.
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 13 of 21 slides Example (1) ADAS contd. 3. Data base status a) Missing data / variables The data can often not be used e.g. for divertor and plasma edge modelling, because the underlying raw data (cross sections and differential c.s.) are not (easily) available and hence the condensed data for a particular computer simulation application in the proper format can often not be processed by the user. The asymptotic behavior of data (cross sections, rate coefficients) e.g. at threshold or at high energies, beyond the tabulated range of Energies / temperatures is often not explicitly made available, with high risk of misuse of data e.g. in dynamic computer modelling applications. b) Other shortcomings A lot of theoretical information has already been provided by the ADAS group as well as by outside atomic physicists, but, due to a lack of manpower, there are still substantial gaps.
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 14 of 21 slides Example (2) Molecular DB’s Juelich 1. Data base access a)Internet access Yes b)Electronic form (PDF’s) and DB (Hydkin) c)Public access d)Free 2. Data base use a)Documentation – No not really b)User manual – Only for Eirene code c)Data base tools - Yes d)Data base interface – Yes but basic
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 15 of 21 slides Example (2) Molecular DB’s Juelich contd. 3. Data base status a)Range of data – gaps? Low temperature hydrogen molecular kinetics (vibration, excitation,….). Vibrational and electronic excitation of hydrides (CxHy, BeH4, Silanes, etc…..), collisional radiative models for diatomic molecules (C2, CH, ….) b)Missing data / variables Database developed, but unified formatting and implementation into fusion codes pending. N / N2 collisional radiative model (for plasma edge cooling) Desirable to get some benchmark quantum mechanical calculations for fusion relevant molecules (low priority). c)Other shortcomings ????
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 16 of 21 slides Example (3) Mat-DB JRC Petten 1.Data base access a)Internet access Yes b)Rrelational database c)Restricted access – Need to register d)Free 2.Data base use a)Documentation – Not really b)User manual – Not really c)Data base tools - Yes d)Data base interface - ?? Needs improvement 3.Data base status a)Range of data – gaps? Essential gaps to be filled in the future are properties of joints, low cycle fatigue data and mechanical properties of irradiated materials. b)Missing data / variables c)Other shortcomings ENEA-RFX has compiled a long list that may be relevant
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 17 of 21 slides Example (4) Nuclear Data Services (JEFF, EAF, IEAF) 1. Data base access a)Internet access Yes b)Relational database c)Public d)Free 2. Data base use a)Documentation - yes b)User manual - yes c)Data base tools - yes d)Data base interface - ??
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 18 of 21 slides Example (4) Nuclear Data Services (JEFF, EAF, IEAF) contd. 3.Data base status a)Range of data – gaps? – None at present b)Missing data / variables – None at present c)Other shortcomings To facilitate application development from high level languages, advanced interfaces are required from the databases. Such interfaces may be in the form of data access objects for high level languages (like Java or C++) or, preferably, web services. When using multiple data sources inside a single application, it would be very useful to have a common authentication mechanism, in order to reduce the number of passwords required for accessing the data. This can be achieved through generic authentication mechanisms, like PAPI.
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 19 of 21 slides Example (5) Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion (APID ) 1.Data base access a)Internet access Yes b)Paper and Relational database c)Public access d)Free / subscription for paper (not available on web) 2.Data base use a)Documentation – restricted access b)User manual – restricted access c)Data base tools - Yes d)Data base interface – Not really
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 20 of 21 slides Example (5) Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion (APID ) contd 3.Data base status a)Range of data – gaps? Plasma surface interaction data: Hydride + Wall -> ??? Recycling coefficients for atomic and molecular hydrogen isotopes. Sputtering coefficients for H_xC_y hydrocarbons and its isotopes. b)Missing data / variables c)Other shortcomings A more recent and widely accessible data base on "Particle Interaction with Fusion Relevant Surfaces" covering physical sputtering, chemical sputtering, reflection, fragmentation/ dissociation, electron emission, implantation, retention etc. would be desirable
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 21 of 21 slides Summary A first attempt on classifying the available DB’sA first attempt on classifying the available DB’s Proposed a set of desired properties for a DB setupProposed a set of desired properties for a DB setup Examples of the properties of existing DB’sExamples of the properties of existing DB’s Identified gaps / shortcomingsIdentified gaps / shortcomings
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 22 of 21 slides ITPA data bases & International Fusion Data bases ITPA data bases & International Fusion Data bases Global L-mode Confinement Database Caretaker F. Imbeaux, DRFC CadaracheGlobal L-mode Confinement Database Caretaker F. Imbeaux, DRFC CadaracheGlobal L-mode Confinement DatabaseDRFC CadaracheGlobal L-mode Confinement DatabaseDRFC Cadarache H-mode Power Threshold Database Caretaker Y. Martin, CRPPH-mode Power Threshold Database Caretaker Y. Martin, CRPPH-mode Power Threshold DatabaseCRPPH-mode Power Threshold DatabaseCRPP Global H-mode Confinement Database Caretaker K. Thomsen, EFDA CSU - GarchingGlobal H-mode Confinement Database Caretaker K. Thomsen, EFDA CSU - GarchingGlobal H-mode Confinement DatabaseEFDA CSU - GarchingGlobal H-mode Confinement DatabaseEFDA CSU - Garching Global ITB Confinement Database Caretaker F. Imbeaux, DRFC CadaracheGlobal ITB Confinement Database Caretaker F. Imbeaux, DRFC CadaracheGlobal ITB Confinement DatabaseDRFC CadaracheGlobal ITB Confinement DatabaseDRFC Cadarache Profile Database Caretaker C. Roach, UKAEA CulhamProfile Database Caretaker C. Roach, UKAEA CulhamProfile DatabaseUKAEA CulhamProfile DatabaseUKAEA Culham Disruption Database Caretaker J. Wesley, GA San DiegoDisruption Database Caretaker J. Wesley, GA San DiegoDisruption DatabaseGA San DiegoDisruption DatabaseGA San Diego International Diagnostic Database Caretaker T. Donne, FOM RijnhuizenInternational Diagnostic Database Caretaker T. Donne, FOM RijnhuizenInternational Diagnostic DatabaseFOM RijnhuizenInternational Diagnostic DatabaseFOM Rijnhuizen International Stellarator Confinement Database Caretaker A. Dinklage, IPP-EURATOM Association, GreifswaldInternational Stellarator Confinement Database Caretaker A. Dinklage, IPP-EURATOM Association, GreifswaldInternational Stellarator Confinement DatabaseIPP-EURATOM Association, GreifswaldInternational Stellarator Confinement DatabaseIPP-EURATOM Association, Greifswald International Pellet Ablation Database Caretaker L.R. Baylor, ORNL OakridgeInternational Pellet Ablation Database Caretaker L.R. Baylor, ORNL OakridgeInternational Pellet Ablation DatabaseORNL OakridgeInternational Pellet Ablation DatabaseORNL Oakridge
Knud Thomsen 23 Feb 2007 CSA Information Workshop 23 of 21 slides ITPA International Diagnostic Database (T. Donne) Many EU devices are underrepresented (JET, FTU, TCV, TJ-II, ISTTOK, etc.). It would be good if those devices could be more active in the IDD. STATUS of IDD today
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