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Jeopardy Topic 1Topic Q 1Q 6Q 11Q 16Q 21 Q 2Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 3Q 8Q 13Q 18Q 23 Q 4Q 9Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 5Q 10Q 15Q 20Q 25.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Topic 1Topic Q 1Q 6Q 11Q 16Q 21 Q 2Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 3Q 8Q 13Q 18Q 23 Q 4Q 9Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 5Q 10Q 15Q 20Q 25."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Topic 1Topic Q 1Q 6Q 11Q 16Q 21 Q 2Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 3Q 8Q 13Q 18Q 23 Q 4Q 9Q 14Q 19Q 24 Q 5Q 10Q 15Q 20Q 25

3 QUESTION 1 One of the following is an example of the commutative property of addition.

4 ANSWER 1 What is ?

5 QUESTION 2 Pauline sells cookie baskets. She charges $5 for the basket plus $2 per cookie. If one filled basket sells for $31, ___ cookies are in it.

6 ANSWER 2 What is 13 ?

7 QUESTION 3 One of the following properties of real numbers justifies the following statement: is equivalent to. A. The associative property of multiplication B. The commutative property of multiplication C. The distributive property of multiplication over addition D. The closure property of multiplication

8 ANSWER 3 What is C. The distributive property of multiplication over addition ?

9 ___ is the solution to. QUESTION 4

10 ANSWER 4 What is ?

11 QUESTION 5 The line on the grid is best described by the equation —

12 ANSWER 5 What is ?

13 QUESTION 6 The slope of the line that contains (4, - 1) and (3, 3) is ____.

14 ANSWER 6 What is - 4 ?

15 QUESTION 7 The line on the graph with an undefined slope is ____.

16 ANSWER 7 What is D ?

17 QUESTION 8 The graph below represents the equation y = 3x. One graph best represents.

18 ANSWER 8 What is ?

19 QUESTION 9 ____ is the slope of the line.

20 ANSWER 9 What is - 3 ?

21 QUESTION 10 One equation best describes this graph.

22 ANSWER 10 What is ?

23 QUESTION 11 One line has y-intercept - 3 and x-intercept 2.

24 ANSWER 11 What is ?

25 QUESTION 12 During a sale, an automobile dealer sold 69 cars and trucks. If she sold 27 more cars than trucks, she sold ___ cars and ___ trucks.

26 ANSWER 12 What is 48 cars, 21 trucks ?

27 QUESTION 13 A line has a slope of - 2 and contains the point (1, - 1). One of these is an equation of this line.

28 ANSWER 13 What is ?

29 QUESTION 14 ____ is the solution to the system of equations shown.

30 ANSWER 14 What is ?

31 QUESTION 15 One is an equation for the line that contains the points ( - 2, 3) and (2, - 1).

32 ANSWER 15 What is ?

33 QUESTION 16 The velocity of an object in a liquid can be described by the equation where v is the velocity in meters per second and t is time in seconds. v = 0 at __ seconds.

34 ANSWER 16 What is 4 sec. ?

35 QUESTION 17 A weather balloon in the shape of a sphere has a surface area of 160 square meters. If the formula for the surface area of a sphere is, to the nearest tenth of a meter, ____ is the radius of the balloon.

36 ANSWER 17 What is 3.6 m ?

37 Mary published her first book. She was given $10,000.00 and an additional $0.10 for each copy of the book that sold. Her earnings, d, in dollars, from the publication of her book are given by where n is the number of copies sold. During the first year, Mary earned $35,000.00 from the publication and sale of her book. ______ copies of her book sold in the first year. QUESTION 18

38 ANSWER 18 What is 250,000 ?

39 QUESTION 19 When completely factored, equals —

40 ANSWER 19 What is ?

41 QUESTION 20 Victor bought a computer for $1,800. He made a down payment of $200 and will pay the rest in 5 equal payments. If p represents the amount of each payment, One equation can be used to find this amount.

42 ANSWER 20 What is ?

43 QUESTION 21 When completely factored, equals___.

44 ANSWER 21 What is ?

45 QUESTION 22 The population of Asia is about 3.4 X 10 9. The population of Africa is about 7 X 10 8. Approximately ____ more people live in Asia than live in Africa.

46 ANSWER 22 What is 2,700,000,000 ?

47 QUESTION 23 _____ is equivalent to

48 ANSWER 23 What is ?

49 QUESTION 24 The expression is equivalent to is _____.

50 ANSWER 24 What is ?

51 QUESTION 25 ____ is closest to the value of

52 ANSWER 25 What is 6.7 ?

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