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Instructions for using this template. Start on the next slide. Click to on prompt to begin. Click question in category and allow the first student with.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions for using this template. Start on the next slide. Click to on prompt to begin. Click question in category and allow the first student with."— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructions for using this template. Start on the next slide. Click to on prompt to begin. Click question in category and allow the first student with hand up to answer. Click slide again for the answer Now click the very, very top of the answer slide to go back to game board. When all questions are answered, go to slide 4 for double jeopardy. Students make a number wager based on how many points they have already. Most points overall WINS!

3 TEXT STRUCTURES! Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.


5 Click here for Final Jeopardy

6 DEFINE IT CLUE WORDS FOR WHAT STRUCTURE UNSCRAMBLE IT 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE NAME IT

7 8:00 - American Idol 9:00 – Glee 10:00 – News 11:00 – More News 11:30 – Jay Leno

8 What is chronological order

9 Small cars use less gasoline than big trucks. Cars do not roll over as easy as big tall trucks. Both vehicles have a right to the road.

10 What is compare and contrast

11 Texting and driving is dangerous. Just taking your eyes off the road can be deadly. In some states it is illegal to text and drive. Drivers need to always use common sense to stay safe.

12 What is problem and solution

13 We went to that party the other night and the police busted it. The music was too loud and there were too many cars on the grass.

14 What is cause and effect

15 Chameleons are lizards that change their color in order to not get eaten by prey. They have color sensor skin cells that change to whatever color they are resting on!

16 What is main idea/ description

17 Problem and Solution

18 What is, an author will want to explain a problem, and then show one or more solutions.

19 Cause and Effect

20 What is, a writer will want to explain how one event leads to another.

21 Compare and Contrast

22 What is, an author wants to explain how two or more things are similar and different.

23 Chronological Order

24 What is, an author wants to explain events in time order as they happened.

25 Main Idea/Description

26 What is, the author offers a main idea statement and then supports that statement with details.

27 Chronological Order

28 What is a recipe, driving directions, history book, etc., etc.

29 Cause and Effect

30 What is an accident report, weather report, etc., etc.

31 Compare and Contrast

32 What is a menu, car buying guide, sports page, etc., etc.

33 Problem and Solution

34 What is a newspaper article about gang violence, a commercial about recycling, a “Save the Sea Turtles” poster, etc., etc.

35 Main Idea / Description

36 What is a story about alligators, a billboard about Disney discounts, etc., etc.

37 Therefore, as a result, for this reason

38 What is Cause and Effect

39 however, in the same way, likewise, as opposed to

40 What is Compare and Contrast

41 First, then, next, finally

42 What is Chronological Order

43 Threat, difficulty, struggle, hope, answer, possibility

44 What is Problem and Solution

45 One reason, for example, several kinds, some factors, etc.

46 What is Main Idea

47 esuac dna fefetc

48 What is Cause and Effect

49 gichnorloolac deror

50 What is Chronological Order

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52 What is Main Idea

53 poarcme dan tntsarco

54 What is Compare and Contrast

55 borpmel nda ulosnoit

56 What is Problem and Solution

57 Make your wager

58 Identify the Text Structure Alligators can be a dilemma in residential areas. They seem still and harmless but will strike fast when hungry or in danger. Crocodiles are rarely found in residential areas but are also dangerous in the wild. The key with both of these reptiles is to use common sense and respect.

59 Problem / Solution A problem was first stated with a possible solution at the end.

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