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V. Dmitrii Mendeleev (1869) – arranged elements by atomic mass Elements arranged in columns had similar properties This was not perfect many gaps some.

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3 Dmitrii Mendeleev (1869) – arranged elements by atomic mass Elements arranged in columns had similar properties This was not perfect many gaps some elements out of place (ie. Nickel and Cobalt) Henry Moseley (1913) proved the relationship between atomic number and the number of protons in the nucleus – led to the development of the current Periodic Table The Periodic Law states: When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, their physical and chemical properties show a periodic pattern. Origins of the Periodic Table

4 Groups – (family) Vertical columns, 1 through 18 Pertains to the Valence Electrons (electrons in outer shell) Periods – the horizontal rows, 1 through 7 Pertains to Energy levels of electrons Question: Which element is in group 14 and period 4? Three classes of elements: Metals Nonmetals Metalloids (aka Semi-Metals) Organization of the Periodic Table Germanium

5 Characteristics ●L●Left side of the table ●m●most abundant (2/3rds of the table) ●M●Malleable - can pound into sheets ●D●Ductile - can draw into wires ●L●Luster – shiny ●G●Good conductors of heat & electricity ●h●high melting point ●e●except mercury which is liquid at room temperature ●M●Metals lose electrons to become positive ions called cations ●m●more reactive going down and left ●T●The most reactive metal ____________________ Metals Francium

6 Characteristics ● Right side of the table ● Soft or brittle ● Dull ● Low melting points, many are gases, few are solid ● Only one liquid nonmetal: bromine ● Gain electrons to become negative ions called anions ● more reactive going up and right (Noble gases excluded) Most reactive nonmetal _______________ ● Metalloids (semi-metals) - found in between metals and nonmetals (“along the staircase”) ● Properties can be metallic or nonmetallic ● depending on conditions Nonmetals Fluorine

7 Periodic Table Activity 1. On your Periodic Table, identify and color the metals 2. Identify and color(use 1 color for all) the Metalloids BoronSiliconGermanium ArsenicAntimonyTelluriumAstatine 3. Identify and color the nonmetals 4. Put a dark outline around the two liquid elements, mercury and bromine

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