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ACCELERATED LEARNING LEARNING BY FUN. GROUPS Each group 4 students 9 Students Group name Leader E-mail, mobile, lecture sent to him.

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Presentation on theme: "ACCELERATED LEARNING LEARNING BY FUN. GROUPS Each group 4 students 9 Students Group name Leader E-mail, mobile, lecture sent to him."— Presentation transcript:


2 GROUPS Each group 4 students 9 Students Group name Leader E-mail, mobile, lecture sent to him

3 Assessment QUIZ 1 (5) ASSAYS at the end of DNA viruses QUIZ 2 (5) CASES at the end of RNA viruses LAB (25) CLASS ACTIVITY AND PBL(5) PRESENTATION (10) FINAL (40) MYCOLOGY QUIZ (10)

4 PRESENTATION 1)Skin and tissue viral infections 2)Congenital viral infections 3)Sexually transmitted viral infection 4)Arthropod-borne viral infections 5)Respiratory tract viral infections 6)Viruses transmitted through blood 7)Gastrointestinal tract viral infections 8)Nervous system viral infections 9)Oncogenic viruses 10)Viral infection in immunocompromised patients 11)Emergent and resurgent viral infection

5 CLASS ACTIVITY Each lecture 1 group present subject from web, news paper, magazine… CDC, WHO Virology competition (groups against each other, cards, coins, ball) Answering questions Subject from last lecture

6 LECTURE Sent to group leader by e-mail Need to bring hand out in lecture and add your comments Learning out comes at the beginning of each lecture Questions need answer Book Medical Microbiology by Murray Human virology Collier Oxford Clinical microbiology made ridiculously simple Gladwin Medical Microbiology Mims Videos Pictures Interaction and discussion Critical thinking Team work Communication Innovation


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