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ANTARES  Physics motivation  Recent results  Outlook 4 senior physicists, ~5 PhD students, ~5 technicians M. de Jong RECFA 23 September 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "ANTARES  Physics motivation  Recent results  Outlook 4 senior physicists, ~5 PhD students, ~5 technicians M. de Jong RECFA 23 September 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANTARES  Physics motivation  Recent results  Outlook 4 senior physicists, ~5 PhD students, ~5 technicians M. de Jong RECFA 23 September 2005

2 Neutrino telescope  Neutral  point back  Weak interaction  no absorption Need huge detector   X N 

3 1960 Markov’s idea:  Range of muon:  Detect Cherenkov light:  Transparency of water: Use sea water as target/detector

4 Antares detector Equipped volume 0.1 km 2 x 0.4 km (=800 x SuperK) 42° 50’ N 6° 10’ E Atlas

5 All particle cosmic ray spectrum  = E -2.7  (m 2 sr s GeV) -1 E (GeV) 1 / km 2 /year Where do they come from? Pierre Auger Observatory E max = 10 21 eV > 5 x 10 19 eV (GZK) 1 GeV10 10 GeV

6 Dark Matter Rotational light curvesGravitational lensingTemperature fluctuations

7 Dark matter Annihilation of neutralinos in the sun

8 Neutralino detection with Antares

9 HESS: Supernova remnants No synchrotron radiation seen   0   +   E -2.2

10  Astrophysics –Neutrino astronomy –Composition of jets –Engine of cosmic accelerators  Particle physics –Origin of UHE cosmic rays –Massive particles (GUT) –Dark matter –Neutrino properties ( ,  ) Physics motivation

11 Detection principle c (t j - t 0 ) = l j + d j tan(  c )  + N   + X  = 0.2 deg.  x = 20 cm  t = 1 ns medium properties

12 “All-data-to-shore” concept position time 10 ms Software Trigger 2  s offline reconstruction <1 MB/s determination of  trajectory 1 GB/s events

13 All-data-to-shore (2)  Fast front-end electronics –Analogue Ring Sampler chip  High bandwidth –DWDM technology  Software Trigger –Fast algorithms

14 Software Trigger  100 PCs @ 600 MHz1999 –CPU 600 MHz  3 GHz× 5 –New algorithm× 3 –C ++ compiler 2.96  3.3× 1.5  5 PCs @ 3 GHz2005

15 GRB alert systems

16 Data taking in case of a GRB alert GRB trigger GRB events write all data to disk, including all data in memory all data 1 GB/s 100 CPUs with each 1 GB RAM location of the GRB detector data filtered offline 100 s of raw data prior to the alert + few minutes of raw data after the alert disk

17 10 log E (GeV) effective volume [km 3 ] Detection efficiencies With satellite information Improved detection efficiency Standard

18  4 optical modules  1 laser beacon  2 LED beacons  Seismometer, ADCP, etc. April 13 2005: Connection with VICTOR Instrumentation line:

19 Time calibration PMT time - LED beacon time 14.5 m PMT LED beacon Short (1 ns) light flash

20 Time calibration  = ~1 ns  3 optical modules  6 ARS  t [ns] events

21  t [ns] events 40 K background ~MeV e - 40 K  40 Ca + e -  1 

22 KM3NeT July 2005: Start of negotiations EU (FP6) 9 M €

23 Summary  Proof of concept of time calibration system  Mass production started  Deployment of first complete line before end this year

24 Outlook  Approaching physics exploitation –First Atmospheric muons before spring 2006  KM3NeT –EU funding (FP6) –ESFRI list of opportunities –NIKHEF well positioned with “all-data-to-shore”

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