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Vanya V. Yorgova.  1920s - Jean Piaget Intelligence testing on children  1930s – Vygotsky Adult intervention.

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Presentation on theme: "Vanya V. Yorgova.  1920s - Jean Piaget Intelligence testing on children  1930s – Vygotsky Adult intervention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vanya V. Yorgova

2  1920s - Jean Piaget Intelligence testing on children  1930s – Vygotsky Adult intervention

3  Sensorimotor: Birth through 18-24 months  Preoperational: 18-24 months through age 7  Concrete operational: Ages 7 to 12  Formal operational: Adolescence through adulthood

4  Daily computer use: 12 % of children 2-4 22 % of children 5-8 Children 8-18 spend more than 7.5 hours  recommendation of American Academy of Pediatrics: 1-2 hours for children 3-18

5  Object permanence  Computers are confusing in establishing permanence

6  Analysis of environment using mental symbols  Pretending to be others  Become attentive to one thing  Computers cause too much sensory input Either ignore or are overstimulated

7  Able to manipulate mental symbols  Form logical thought  Being forming plans for solving problems  Computers rarely allow for problem –solving Same preset response every time

8  Form more rational and abstract thought  Understand why others act that way  Give sustained attention  Computers allow for multitasking Divided attention Distract from personal relationships

9 Physical Toll:  Back and neck problems  Carpal tunnel syndrome  Less blinking => irritated eyes  Lack of activity => obesity  Overloaded senses

10 Social Impact  Lonelier  More prone to depression  May cause more aggression  Addiction  Lack of attention paid in class

11  Better academic performance  Higher computer literacy b Better at reading and visualizing 3D

12 Physical:  VR will develop posture  Screens will become safer for eyes Social  A different type of social structure  Banning electronics in schools  Pushing after-school activities

13 Developmental:  Sociologists should develop software  Limit usage of computers <5 year-olds  Better education to parents  Government restrictions on gaming content

14  Huge changes after this generation  Studies will leave conclusive evidence  Technology will develop -> safer experience

15   ren/publications/docs/10_02_05.pdf  /node/336  -negative-effects-computers-children/  -stages-of-development

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