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1. BACKGROUND: Scientists have identified over 2000 different minerals in the earth's crust. 95% of the earth's crust is composed of only 12 different.

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2 1. BACKGROUND: Scientists have identified over 2000 different minerals in the earth's crust. 95% of the earth's crust is composed of only 12 different rock-forming minerals. A. Minerals are all around us 2. What is a mineral? All natural earth materials are made of minerals or a combination of minerals Minerals are the building blocks of rocks

3 3. Characteristics Solid: Not Liquid or Gas or Plasma Naturally Occurring: Not Human- Made Inorganic: Not Alive - Never Was Fixed Composition: Same Recipe, Everywhere, Every Time (single element or compounds-no mixtures) Crystal Form: specific repeating atom arrangement ( remember SNIFC)

4 The most common group are the silicates which contain silicon and oxygen which are also the most common elements in the Earth's crust. 4.Minerals are grouped according to their composition

5 B. A mineral is Identified by its properties 1.A mineral’s appearance helps identify it Color-not very reliable Luster-How does light reflect off of it? Metallic or non-metallic Streak-the color of a thin powder line left by the mineral-EVERY time Breakage-evenly (cleavage) or randomly (fracture)? Density-mass per unit of volume ; D=m/v Hardness-resistance to scratching; Moh’s Scale helps to identify Special properties include radioactivity, magnetism, reaction to acid or UV reaction

6 C. Minerals are Valuable Resources 1.Many uses in industry: machines, technology and everyday products 2.Use in the arts: paint, dyes, gemstones, jewelry

7 3. Minerals crystals form in several ways Water evaporates Hot Water cools Molten rock cools-the quicker it cools, the smaller the crystals formed. Magma-molten rock inside the Earth Lava-molten rock on the Earth’s surface Heat and pressure cause mineral changes deep in the Earth

8 4. Minerals can be mined for a profit. When they are, they are called ores

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