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Welcome to Science 11/1 Put your name on your paper. Divide it into 4 sections as shown below. This is your 1 st quarter evaluation. Answer each question.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Science 11/1 Put your name on your paper. Divide it into 4 sections as shown below. This is your 1 st quarter evaluation. Answer each question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Science 11/1 Put your name on your paper. Divide it into 4 sections as shown below. This is your 1 st quarter evaluation. Answer each question honestly, this will help make class better for you. What do you like best about this class? What activity/procedure that we do on a regular basis helps you learn best? What is one thing you would change to help make this class better? What is one thing you need to do differently in order to improve your grade this quarter?

2 Today’s Schedule 1. Evaluations 2. Review 3. Begin Next Unit 4. HW Assignment 5. Do not forget-Online Volcano Test Due Friday: 416731

3 Review (Earth’s Layers) Earth’s layers can be categorized in two ways: Compositon and Physical Crust Lithosphere Mantle Asthenosphere Core Mesosphere Outer Core Inner Core

4 Review (Plates) Earth’s lithosphere is broken up into several massive pieces called tectonic plates that move on top of the asthenosphere (upper mantle)

5 Review (Convection Currents) Convection Currents in the Mantle cause Earth’s plates to move. These currents are caused by heat from the core. The higher the temp. the lower the density.

6 Review (plate movement) Plates move in three different ways: 1. converge (come together) 2. diverge (move apart) 3. transform (slide past each other)

7 Review (plate movement effects) When Earth’s plates move several process can happen such as: sea-floor spreading, subduction, mountain building, faulting, earthquakes, and volcanoes.

8 Review All of the concepts we have learned to this point are closely related to each other. These science concepts are like a puzzle: All of the “pieces” work together to make something bigger. The concepts are also an example of cause & effect. When one process occurs another process will occur in return.

9 What do all of these things have in common? They are all made of rock?

10 Rocks Why are rocks important? Since the beginning of human existence, we have depended on them.

11 How did rock form on Earth? Not only do we rely on rock for tools and construction, but Earth’s crust, which supports human life, is made of solid rock. So, how did Earth’s crust form? The early Earth was originally a giant ball of magma & lava. As Earth cooled down, some of the magma & lava hardened to form Earth’s crust.

12 HW Assignment Read Ch. 4 Section 1 Answer the Review Questions (1-4) on page 86.

13 What are rock-forming minerals, and about how many are there? There are about 20 minerals that make up most of the earth’s crust.

14 Why would a rock’s color be important when classifying rocks? A rocks color is an indication of the rock’s mineral composition.

15 Some rocks are smooth and shiny. Others are rough and dull. What do geologists call the look and feel of a rock’s surface? Texture

16 What are the 3 major groups that geologists classify rocks into? 1. Igneous 2. Sedimentary 3. Metamorphic

17 Igneous Rock Igneous rock- form from the cooling of magma or lava. Can form on or beneath Earth’s surface. igneous rock song - Google Videoigneous rock song - Google Video

18 Sedimentary Rock Sediment- small, solid pieces of material that come from rocks or living things. Most sedimentary rocks are formed through a series of processes.

19 From Sediment to Rock Erosion- running water, wind, or ice loosen and carry away fragments of rock.

20 From Sediment to Rock Deposition- the process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying it.

21 From Sediment to Rock Compaction- the process that presses sediments together.

22 From Sediment to Rock Cementation- process by which sediments are glued together and hardened.

23 Metamorphic Rock Metamorphic rock- created when heat and pressure deep beneath Earth’s surface change any rock into metamorphic rock. HowStuffWorks Videos "Basics of Geology: Metamorphic Rock"

24 Homework Options Complete the Ch. 5 Worksheet Write a poem or song about the 3 types of rocks. (Must tell what the three types of rock are and how they are formed. Poem or song must be appropriate and make sense.) Illustrate one of each of the types of rock and write a short paragraph describing what they are and how they formed. (Illustrations must be detailed, match the shape, color and features of the rocks.)

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