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Viruses! The girl who survived Rabies.

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1 Viruses! The girl who survived Rabies



4 Ebola Virus


6 Relative Size Do NOW

7 How Viruses Attack EGShQ EGShQ 3:17 1918, Spanish Flu, Swine Flu, New Report

8 Swine Flu

9 Flu


11 Viruses are particles containing: 1. Nucleic acid 2. Protein coat (capsid) They can reproduce only by infecting living cells.

12 All viruses enter living cells and use the infected cell( host) to produce more viruses.

13 Special proteins on the capsid “ trick ” the host cell to let the virus in. The host cell then bursts and is destroyedSpecial proteins on the capsid “ trick ” the host cell to let the virus in. The host cell then bursts and is destroyed

14 Types of Viruses DNA virusesDNA viruses More Stable less prone to mutationMore Stable less prone to mutation Respond well to vaccinationRespond well to vaccination Ex: smallpox, chicken pox, herpes, HPV,Ex: smallpox, chicken pox, herpes, HPV, Hepatitis B Hepatitis B RNA virusesRNA viruses Mutate quicklyMutate quickly Require frequent vaccinationsRequire frequent vaccinations Ex: Influenza (flu), HIV, RabiesEx: Influenza (flu), HIV, Rabies

15 Different Hosts Host cell is very specific Animal hosts: rabies, HIV, chicken poxAnimal hosts: rabies, HIV, chicken pox Plant hosts: tobacco mosaic virus,Plant hosts: tobacco mosaic virus, Bacteria: BacteriophageBacteria: Bacteriophage

16 Ex. Rabies Virus can only exist in an animal

17 Examples of Viral Disease Smallpox, the common cold, chickenpox, influenza, shingles, herpes, polio, rabies, ebola, and HIVSmallpox, the common cold, chickenpox, influenza, shingles, herpes, polio, rabies, ebola, and HIV

18 Small Pox Smallpox killed over 500 million people in the 20th century! Compared to: 320 million deaths caused by wars, the Spanish flu, and AIDS combined Amherst bring Smallpox blanket to native Americas

19 Figure 1.15B: The press portrayed Roosevelt as a robust, physically strong leader. POLIO

20 Lytic vs. Lysogenic

21 -Viruses inject their DNA or RNA and take over the host to make new viruses -The viruses “pop” the cell to spread Lytic Infection


23 A spacecraft injecting genetic material into a host cell.

24 The Lysogenic Cycle (Sneaky!)

25 1. Virus injects its DNA into host cell 2. Viral DNA integrates into the host DNA 3. A host cell makes copies of the virus every time it divides. every time it divides. Lysogenic Cycle


27 The viral DNA embedded in the host ’ s DNA is called a prophage.

28 Replicates in the host cell

29 Viral DNA can leave the host DNA and enter the lytic Cycle


31 Retroviruses Retroviruses contain RNA.Retroviruses contain RNA. Make a DNA copy FROM their RNA.Make a DNA copy FROM their RNA. Then this DNA is inserted into the DNA of the host cell.Then this DNA is inserted into the DNA of the host cell.

32 HIV (humanimmunodeficiency virus) can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)


34 Defense Vaccination offers protection for uninfected individuals (weakened version or partial version of virus)Vaccination offers protection for uninfected individuals (weakened version or partial version of virus) Works by stimulating immune system so that the virus will be recognized if infectedWorks by stimulating immune system so that the virus will be recognized if infected

35 Are Viruses Living or Non-living??

36 Ecuador/Galapagos

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