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Artwork Production Workflow And Approval Management For Ad Agency Networks And Design Agencies Future ready online application with user friendly features.

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Presentation on theme: "Artwork Production Workflow And Approval Management For Ad Agency Networks And Design Agencies Future ready online application with user friendly features."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artwork Production Workflow And Approval Management For Ad Agency Networks And Design Agencies Future ready online application with user friendly features A product of SATURN SYSTEMWARES PRIVATE LIMITED

2 WHAT IS XEGENCY ?  Artwork production workflow solution for Ad agencies  Suits to large agency networks & single branch agencies  Complete artwork production lifecycle is managed  Adding efficiency, speed and clarity in the operations  Easy to manage, achieve total control & high visibility  Can be extended to Creative and Planning process also 2

3 EASY TO SET UP & INTEGRATE  Configurable to great extent, also customisable  Integration with SAP/ ERP, EIS or Billing system is possible  Single Sign on Integration for seamless access  Master data to store Client, Brand, Campaign details  User/ Role management, Permission management  Profit centre wise mapping of users and brands 3

4 OPERATIONAL BENEFITS  Shift to proactive workflow from reactive process  Manages AW Request, task assign, approval & delivery  Internal & External approvals are easy to manage  Complete record of approvals, comments and check list  High Visibility, ensure clear and prompt communication  Dash board view of Jobs, easy to view all jobs in a status 4

5 WORK FLOW FEATURES  Online Proofing with annotation for faster approval  Comments viewed by all stakeholders of a brand/ job  Compare versions of same artwork or with another one  Automated comparison helps for faster review  Less mistakes leads to lesser last minute changes  Designer get clarity in instructions, lesser conflicts 5

6 MULTIPLE WORKFLOWS  Workflow define flow of a Task to reviewers and to studio  Multiple workflows based on Artwork Type, Nature of task etc  Separate workflow for Artwork, Languages, Processing etc  Multiple levels of approval for AE, Creative, Copy, CS team  Approvers can be pre-fixed or decided for each job  Status jobs in multiple workflows viewed in separate tabs 6

7 7 User Management Users, role, permission, single sign - on Settings brand, client, campaign Initiation Create job, add details, upload file Studio Operations Review job, assign task Review & Approval Online proofing Post Approval Transfer file, Hires Language/ Processing translation, approval, repro DAM Store & retrieval of files MIS Reports, analysis, status 9 MAJOR SECTIONS

8 EXTEND TO NEW AREAS  More features and modules could be added for an agency  Creative, Planning, Billing, Pitching could be added in future  Able to build capabilities to handle TVCs and Digital files  Advanced features like Pre-flighting of artworks is also possible  Publication data like deadline, sizes, bleed info can be stored  Can be made compatible for Tablets & Smart phones 8

9 PROOFING APPLET  Online Proofing with annotation for faster approval  High magnification, vector preview to read smaller texts  User friendly features to help easier review by approvers  Records time of annotation, measure, grid, download file  View Comments and annotations of all users, version wise  Download artwork with comments for offline review 9

10 SEARCH, ALERTS, MASTER DATA  Extended search feature to find the Jobs, tasks easily  Advanced Search with multiple parameters  Mail alert for all tasks- completed & overdue items  Email templates are administrator controlled  Extensive Master Data for easier configurations  Auto Sync with SAP/ERP systems or EIS systems 10

11 ADVANTAGES TO SERVICING  Able to monitor all artwork jobs simply at one place  Easy to handle multiple brands and Clients  Team members from same profit centre can also monitor  Easy to review artwork, make comments or approval  Aware about the delay in studio, review by Creative  Quick reports of artwork done for a campaign/ Brand 11

12 BENEFITS TO MANAGEMENT  Bird’s eye view of all artwork Jobs through MIS  Inputs for analysis of studio operations and revenue  Mistakes & lapses can be identified for corrective action  Enhances resource efficiency, assure high productivity  Delays in delivery, turn around time can be improved  Billing & collection improves due to accurate billing info 12

13 ASSET MANAGEMENT  Assets of a Brand/ Job are easily accessible at one place  Easy to add, retrieve and share assets of a Brand or Job  Integrated search facilities for quicker access  Store all assets for future ref., photo shoot, finished images  Info about Assets linkage, usage history, last update etc  Proper asset management saves time, avoid confusions 13

14 FUTURE READY WITH MIS  Easy to add new modules and operations in future  Can be extended to Mobile, Tablet platforms  Reports for MIS, Dash board widgets for quick summary  Reports for billing with production time, versions etc  Campaign wise, brand wise reports for analysis  Supports latest browser versions and technology 14

15 SPEED, EFFICIENCY & SAVINGS  Brings in speed and control to AW production process  Approval process become efficient and collaborative  Leads to faster approvals, lesser versions of artwork  Clarity in instructions helps to achieve lesser mistakes  Easy to track history, pending approvals, bottlenecks job  Saves time spent for follow up, lesser communications 15

16 THANK YOU | Jose Thomas +91 94950 80240

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