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DEVELOPMENTAL Ψ - Stage Theories. STAGE THEORIES A stage is a developmental period during which characteristic patterns of behavior are exhibited, & certain.

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1 DEVELOPMENTAL Ψ - Stage Theories

2 STAGE THEORIES A stage is a developmental period during which characteristic patterns of behavior are exhibited, & certain capacities become established. We assume that: 1. Individuals must progress through specified stages in a particular order because each stage builds on the previous stage. 2. Progress through these stages is strongly related to age.

3 Freud – Psychosexual stages (5) – developmental periods with a characteristic sexual focus that leave their mark on adulthood. (Freud was the pioneer of stage theories.) Fixation – failure to move from one stage to another as expected. Fixation usually comes from excessive gratification or frustration.

4 Oral Stage: (age 0-1) stimulation is the mouth, biting, sucking, etc. important to be weaned off breastfeeding appropriately. Fixation smoking, overeating.

5 Anal Stage: (age 1-3) pleasure from bowel movements, expulsion or retention; toilet training important, avoid excessive punitive measures; Fixation hostility toward mother - leading to women in general; association with anxiety & genitals - leading to anxiety and sexual issues later in life.

6 Phallic Stage: (3-6) focus is on genitals; “Oedipal complex” – children manifest desires for opposite sex parent and hostility for same sex parent. Must solve complex to develop appropriately, and address guilt and jealousy issues.

7 Latency Stage: (6-12) sexual urges and desires go dormant, or latent. Prior conflicts and problems are subdued. Expand social relationships outside of family.

8 Genital Stage: (puberty on, 13+) Sexual urges reappear, this time focused on opposite sex peers (or same sex), not on oneself as is found in the Phallic Stage. Seeking reaffirmation of affection, attention, expressing emotions, prepare for adulthood (i.e. marriage partners).

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