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Welcome to Business Math Mrs. Piotrowski …aka Mrs. P. Room 212.

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2 Welcome to Business Math Mrs. Piotrowski …aka Mrs. P. Room 212

3 Business Math This class will teach you mathematical and critical thinking skills that will help you be a smart shopper, an informed citizen, and a valued employee. If you know your math, you shouldn’t get ripped off.

4 Topics Taught: Money Records: –Bank Record Keeping –Reconciling the Check Register Gross and Average Pay –Calculating Pay Correctly Regular and Overtime Pay Net Pay, Fringe Benefits, and Commission Saving and Borrowing Money Buying For You and Your Home

5 Miscellaneous: As we go through the year, I will also bring to class relative videos or tv shows that will bring the topic of business math to real life….this doesn’t mean it is time to go to sleep…..they will all be important lessons in life and math.

6 What you need for class each day: Textbook/Workbook…I will assign you one Notebook – 3 ring binder with paper in it to take notes on. 2 sets of 5- subject dividers Pen, Pencil, Paper Calculator – a simple one will do just fine… it must +, -, x, divide AND have a % key. One set of 4 dry erase markers.

7 Grades/Measurements: Homework will be checked/graded everyday. All graded homework will comprise a chapter test grade. Participation will make up 10% of your quarterly grade. Quarterly grades will be comprised of homework, tests, quizzes, projects and participation. Extra Credit is also available

8 Homework Your name and period must be on it, and if it is on a blank piece of paper, add assignment. Expect homework 3 to 4 times a week. YOUR NOTEBOOK WILL COUNT AS A GRADE. YOUR NOTEBOOK WILL COUNT AS A GRADE.

9 Class Preparation 1. BE ON TIME! 2. BE PREPARED! (Bring your own supplies, calculator, pencil!) If you don’t bring calculator to class, I will lend you one, but if you don’t bring it for a test, it will cost you 10 points to borrow. 3. BE READY TO START WHEN THE BELL RINGS (Get your homework out, pencil, calculator.)

10 Class Rules: 1.Be on time and prepared for class 2.Dress appropriately for school….follow the school dress code 3.Follow directions 4.Proper language will be used at all times 5.Respect will be given to me, other students and my equipment 6.There will be zero tolerance for bullying in my classroom. 7.No cell phone will be used or showing…. I will confiscate it. 8.Remain in assigned seat until the bell rings.

11 Consequences for breaking any of the previously stated rules.. 1.One verbal warning 2.Depending on the offense, school policy will be followed for lates to class, inappropriate dress and cell phones will be confiscated. 3.If a severe situation would occur such as fighting, mouthing back to me, or public bullying, I would assess the situation to determine whether the student needs to be addressed in a different way or immediately removed from the class. 4.Call home to parent 5.Referral to administration

12 #1 Rule: Participation is NOT an option….it is required for learning to happen!!

13 Software/Programs Used: Money Skills, Castle Learning A variety of programs on the Internet Forms/Homework Questions on my web page.

14 Mrs. Piotrowski’s Pet Peeves (in random order) Foul Language Disrespect for me and/or other students Lining up before the bell rings Late to class and not prepared to learn Cell Phones/Pagers/MP3 Players/ipods (in class) Once the bell rings…NO ONE is to be on a phone talking/ texting…otherwise, it is mine until the end of the day.

15 When will you use this learned information and skill? Every day of your life…Work, Home & Play It truly is a LIFE SKILL!!

16 Any Questions?

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