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The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Writing Instructions Writing for the Web.

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Presentation on theme: "The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Writing Instructions Writing for the Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Writing Instructions Writing for the Web

2 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Contents Introduction Formatting Wording Using links

3 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Introduction

4 Introduction Describe what your icons and other devices mean. List equipment required. Estimate amount of time needed to perform tasks.

5 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Formatting

6 Headings Group steps under headings. Use task oriented headings (gerunds).

7 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Numbering Number the steps. Put one item per step. Arrange steps in chronological order. Bullet options. 5. Select one of the following: Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

8 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Font Style Bold key terms. Bold the steps. Make comments a different font style. Use icons and varying font sizes to distinguish Definitions Warnings Cautions Notes

9 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Separate Separate out: Definitions. Comments. Special notes. Notes & tips Cautions Warnings 2. Step is numbered and is bold. Comment is separated out.

10 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Danger Warn readers about the possibility of serious or fatal injury to themselves or others. Presented at the start of the instructions and before and in each step that presents the hazard.

11 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Warning Warn readers about the possibility of minor injury to themselves or others. Presented at the start of the instructions and before and in each step that presents the hazard.

12 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Caution Warn readers about possible damage to equipment or data or about potential problems in the outcome of what they are doing. Information required to complete the task properly. Normally precede the step.

13 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Note Emphasize points, give tips, precautions, remind readers of something, or include ways to avoid later problems. Information not necessarily required to complete the task. Included in step-by-step instructions wherever necessary.

14 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Tables Use tables to summarize or show options.

15 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Wording

16 Wording Omit transitions; use numbers instead. Use imperatives/present tense. Using consistent wording and terminology. Avoid vague “it.”

17 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Parallelism Check headings and steps for parallelism.

18 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Using Links

19 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Using Links Provide internal links to headings and steps. Consider providing an abbreviated list of steps with links to detail. Provide cross references. Provide links to terms.

20 The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e

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