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F.T. Burns Middle School Developing and implementing a Guideline for Success & a Pyramid of Discipline Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "F.T. Burns Middle School Developing and implementing a Guideline for Success & a Pyramid of Discipline Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 F.T. Burns Middle School Developing and implementing a Guideline for Success & a Pyramid of Discipline Plan

2 BURNS Success Guidelines  B – Behave  U – Understand  R – Respect  N – Necessities  S -- Safety

3 Arrival dismissal B -Enter/exit building in orderly fashion. Sit quietly (level 2) in designated area U -Remain in seat and do not leave area until dismissed by person on duty. R -Clean up area and push in your chair when you leave -Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself N -You are responsible for your belongings. No CD players, GameBoys, IPODs, etc S -Walk as you enter/exit bus and commons area -No horseplay

4 Hallways B -Quiet talk (level 2) during passing periods -Silent during class time U -Walk on the right side of the hallway in a single file line R -Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself and do not cut in front of others N -Carry agenda book when in the hallway during class time S -No running or horseplay at any time

5 Lunchroom B -Quiet talk (level 2 or below) -Keep food on your plate U -Stay in orderly line and then take your turn -Go to assigned area quickly R -Treat everyone kindly -Clean up your area when finished N -Only allow for three charges -Put money in account before school S -Walk -No horseplay -Clean up spills

6 Restrooms B -Take care of business and leave U -Get agenda book signed before leaving classroom-Ask for pass during lunch R -Keep floors and sinks clean; -Do not invade the privacy of others N -Do not waste soap or paper products S -No horseplay -Keep facilities in working order

7 Assemblies B -Enter gym with class in single file -Sit up straight with hands in lap U -Keep voice at level 2 until program begins. -Silence when asked R -Pay attention to speakers and do not make noise during presentations. -Keep hands, feet to yourself N -Do not bring any unnecessary objects S -Stay seated unless in emergencies -walk carefully on bleachers

8 Media Center B -Re-shelve unwanted books in the proper place U -Return or recheck materials within proper time period R -Be courteous to others -Maintain materials and report problems N -Bring all materials with you the first time -Place books in slot to return them S -No running - No horseplay -stand quietly in single file while waiting for check-out

9 Minor Violations  Dress Code  Lunch Misconduct  Minor Classroom Disturbances  Tardy to Class  Out of Area  Sleeping in Class  Excessive Talking  Hall Misconduct  Distracting Objects  Horseplay, Pushing, Shoving  Unprepared for Class  Public Display of Affection  Refusal to dress for PE

10 Consequences for Minor Violations  Warning  Note of Concern  Guidance Referral & Parent Contact  Team Detention & Parent Contact  Office Referral & Parent Contact  Guidance Referral & Parent Contact  Detention and Team Meeting w/Parents  Office Referral and Parent Conference

11 Time-Out Room  Students may be sent to Time-Out for Disturbing Class and preventing a Teacher from teaching. Any student who is assigned 2 visits to the Time-Out Room in one day will be assigned a major discipline violation.

12 Major Violations  Disrespect of Adult  Insubordinate/Defiant  Major Class Misconduct  Non-Compliance  Excessive Minor Violations  Profanity  Forgery/Cheating  Detention Violation  Skipping Class  Harassment (physical, verbal, sexual)

13 Harassment Situations  All Harassment situations should be sent to the Guidance Office for Guidance Counselors to investigate & determine if the situation is a violation of the School Bullying Policy.

14 Disciplinary Action for Major Violations (office level)  1 st – 1 Day IHLC/PM Detention & Parent Contact  2 nd – 2 Days IHLC/PM Detention & Parent Contact  3 rd – 3 Days IHLC and Pre-Diversion Meeting with Parents & Director of Pupil Personnel  4 th – 4 Days IHLC & Parent Contact  5 th – 5 Days IHLC & Parent Contact

15 Severe Violations  Skipping School  Computer Violations  Fighting  Threat (verbal, written)  Stealing  Vandalism  Possession of Dangerous Objects  Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco

16 Consequences for Severe Violations  1st – 3-5 Days in IHLC & Parent Contact  2nd – 5 days IHLC or Crisis Meeting with Parents & Central Office  3rd – Crisis

17 How has it changed Discipline at BMS?  The number of suspensions decreased by 40%  The number of In-school suspensions decreased by 5%  The number of discipline referrals to the office dropped 28% in one year.  The number of parent contacts increased dramatically.

18 How has it changed the Discipline at BMS?  Students, teachers, parents, and adminstrators are on the same page as to expectations and consequences for misbehavior.  Student’s listed the “Fair Discipline” at the school as one of the strengths and one of the things they liked most about the school.

19 How to get started?  We formed a committee with at least one member from each grade level, PA, special services, guidance, administration, and alternate education and started a discussion on what we liked and what needed to be changed as it related to our school.  The committee met and then shared the ideas to their team members and the Pyramid was developed and then implemented by the administration.

20 Contact Information  Nathan Satterly-Assistant Principal (270) 852-7400 Yvonne Austin-Alternative Education (270) 852-7400

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