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March 2004 ICDD in Indian Ocean Rim 2003 Review and 2004-2005 Plans Brian O’Connor.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2004 ICDD in Indian Ocean Rim 2003 Review and 2004-2005 Plans Brian O’Connor."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2004 ICDD in Indian Ocean Rim 2003 Review and 2004-2005 Plans Brian O’Connor

2 Indian Ocean Rim (formerly South Eastern Asia) March 2004 ?

3 Steering Committee for Region Brian O’Connor (Australia) – Regional Co-Chair Hamid Othman (Malaysia) G Subba Rao and Tim White (Singapore) K V Krishnan (India) Mohamad Hikam (Indonesia) New Co-Chair to be appointed March 2004

4 South Africa (1) 21 st European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM-21), Durban, 24-29 August 2003 Brian O’Connor presented a paper on PDF-4 products at ‘Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction Workshop’ Brian also represented Cam Hubbard and Bob Snyder at the IUCr Commission on Powder Diffraction (CPD) meeting March 2004

5 Armel Le Bail, Robin Shirley, Martin Atfield, Brian O’Connor, Lachlan Cranswick (convenor), Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal; Jon Wright, Vincent Favre-Nicolin March 2004

6 Phase identification and search match tricks using PDF4. Brian O’Connor, ICDD&Curtin University Powder indexing of large volume cells (including protein data) with Crysfire. Robin Shirley, University of Surrey Limits of powder indexing of impure samples using whole profile methods – McMaile powder indexing software. Armel Le Bail, University du Maine Structure solution using direct methods: EXPO structure solution software. Martin Armfield, UMIST, Manchester. Structure solution using real space methods and the FOX software. Vincent Favre-Nicolin, Grenoble Rietveld refinement of complex inorganic structure materials using Fullprof. Juan Rodriguez-Carvigael, CEA-CNRS, France Rietveld structure refinement of protein powder diffraction data using GSAS. Jon Wright, ESRF, Grenoble. March 2004

7 South Africa (2) Workshop on Radiation-Based Analytical Techniques (part of 9 th International Symposium on Radiation Physics), Cape Town, 24-31 October Dudley Creagh and Brendan Kennedy (Australian ICDD members) presented a 2-day powder diffraction workshop 22 participants from all over Africa ICDD sponsorship March 2004

8 Australia (1) AsCA’03/Crystal-23 International Crystallography Meeting, Broome, WA: 10-13 August (and Biological Structures Workshop: 13-15 August / Sagamore XIV Meeting: 13-18 August) Brian O’Connor on organising committee Brian attended and presented a poster paper on PDF products No ICDD sponsorship March 2004

9 Australia (2) Australian X-ray Analytical Association (AXAA) National Conference and Schools Meeting Fremantle (Perth), WA.14-18 Feb 2005 Focus on laboratory x-rays, synchrotron radiation, neutron scattering (XRD and XRF streams) ICDD sponsorship ICDD exhibit March 2004

10 Kai Behrens, Bruker – AXS (Germany) Arnd Buhler, Bruker – AXS (Germany) Janette Cawood, South African Spectroscopy Association Lachlan Cranswick, Chalk River (Canada) Garry Foran, Tsukuba (Japan) Jim Kaduk, BP-Amoco (USA) / ICDD Arndt Kern, Bruker – AXS (Germany) Bert Kinneging, PANalytical (The Netherlands) Karl Mauser, Bruker – AXS (Germany) Joe Michael, Sandia (USA) Hideo Toraya, Rigaku (Japan) Bruno Vrebos, PANalytical (The Netherlands) Tim White, NTU (Singapore) Invited Speakers - International March 2004

11 Malaysia ICXRI Meeting, Bangi, October 2004?? March 2004

12 Prospective strategies Regional steering committee – review by the new Regional Co-Chair National committees? Continue membership drive Engagement of members in ICDD technical activities March 2004

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