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Special considerations and procedures in transnational cases of children exposed to exploitation, trafficking, and children at risk MINISTRY OF WELFARE.

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Presentation on theme: "Special considerations and procedures in transnational cases of children exposed to exploitation, trafficking, and children at risk MINISTRY OF WELFARE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special considerations and procedures in transnational cases of children exposed to exploitation, trafficking, and children at risk MINISTRY OF WELFARE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA THE STATE INSPECTORATE FOR PROTECTION OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Evija Ivdra – Senior Inspector

2 COMPETENCE State Inspectorate for protection of children’s rights is dirrectly subordinate to the Welfare Minister. Inspectorate shall supervise and control the observance of the Protection of the Rights of the Child Law and other regulatory enactments that regulate the protection of the rights of the child.

3 CHILDREN RIGHTS PROTECTION FROM TRAFFICKING AND EXPLOITATION Children have the right to be protected from economic exploitation, and from employment in conditions that are dangerous or harmful to his or her health or physical, psychological or moral development, or in night work or during such working periods as hinder his or her education. Children have the right to be protected from physical and mental exploitation, from sexual exploitation and seduction, and from any other forms of exploitation, which may in any way harm the child.

4 HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND EXPLOITATION The responsible authority: The State police (Ministry of the Interior) Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, concealment, accommodation or reception of persons for the purpose of exploitation, committed by using violence or threats or by means of deceit, or by taking advantage of the dependence of the person on the offender or of his or her state of helplessness, or by the giving or obtaining of material benefits or benefits of another nature in order to procure the consent of such person, upon which the victim is dependent.

5 LEGISLATION IN LATVIA Criminal Law Protection of the Rights of the Child Law Law on Residence of a Victim of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Latvia Asylum Law Law on Social Services and Social Assistance

6 NATIONAL ACTION PLAN Programme for Prevention of Human Trafficking 2004-2008 Programme for Prevention of Human Trafficking 2009-2013 Programme for Prevention of Human Trafficking 2014-2020

7 INTER-INSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION The State police Ministry of the Interior The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs The State Border Guard Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Welfare Social services Orphans court Medical institutions The State Inspectorate For Protection Of Children's Rights NGO (Resource centre for women «Marta», Shelter «Droša māja»), etc.

8 PROTECTION PRINCIPLE OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS In lawful relations that affect a child, the rights and best interests of the child shall take priority. In all activities in regard to a child, irrespective of whether they are carried out by State or local government institutions, public organisations or other natural persons and legal persons, as well as the courts and other law enforcement institutions, the ensuring of the rights and interests of the child shall take priority.

9 PROHIBITION FROM DISSEMINATING INFORMATION REGARDING THE CHILD Information regarding a child obtained by an employee of a child care, educational, social assistance or other institution or by an employee of a State or local government institution, in fulfilling the duties of their office, shall be confidential, and information, which could in any way harm the future development of the child or the maintenance of the psychological balance of the child may not be divulged. It is prohibited to disseminate personally obtained information regarding a child who has become a victim, a witness or has committed a violation of the law, as well as such information as could harm the child now or in the future.

10 GROUP OF RISK Young women Single mothers The unemployed People from large and needy families and child care institutions Persons with a low level of education and credit

11 PREVENTION Educational institutions Seminars, courses Media, handouts, projects and campaigns

12 STATISTIC There are not registered cases of children trafficking and exploitation in Latvia.

13 Thank you for your attention! Evija Ivdra Senior Inspector Children’s Right Protection Department The State Inspectorate For Protection Of Children's Rights

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