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EFolio Minnesota: A Statewide Electronic Portfolio Infrastructure Paul Wasko – eFolio Minnesota Director Jayne Spain - MDE Spring 2005 Mission Impossible.

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Presentation on theme: "EFolio Minnesota: A Statewide Electronic Portfolio Infrastructure Paul Wasko – eFolio Minnesota Director Jayne Spain - MDE Spring 2005 Mission Impossible."— Presentation transcript:

1 eFolio Minnesota: A Statewide Electronic Portfolio Infrastructure Paul Wasko – eFolio Minnesota Director Jayne Spain - MDE Spring 2005 Mission Impossible X

2 The challenge!!  Design and implement an electronic portfolio that would support: Students Educators Workers/professionals

3 The result!!!  eFolio Minnesota TM ( was launched in August of 2002 and is available to Minnesota residents Minnesota students Public employees within the state  At no cost!

4 Today……  As of March 2005 there are over 28,000 registered users. The largest single group of users are those that have registered as students.  Currently, the sites in total are receiving millions of hits per month.

5 The journey to get to eFolio Minnesota….. …. getting there can be half the fun.

6 Laying the foundation  Funding for this effort came through a FIPSE administered Congressional Award that was intended to ramp up e-learning efforts within the Minnesota State College and University system (MnSCU). The funding was split into two pools: Curriculum – support for on-line couses and programs Student services – web-enabled student services including eFolio Minnesota

7 Starting off on the right foot  By all definitions eFolio Minnesota has been deemed a “success”. Some the key reasons for this success involved how the project was initially structured: Project teams Assumptions Key partners

8 Project teams  Three teams were established: student, educator, and worker. In addition, there was a design committee that met briefly on design/layout aspects of the project.  Teams chaired by individuals knowledgeable in their fields.  Each team was allowed to create their own “culture” with the worker team focusing on how this could be a multi-media resume, the educator team looked at how this effort should support professional development, and the student team focused on a students use of this tool within a classroom or learning setting.

9 Assumptions…CRITICAL  Assume the value of portfolios within an education and workforce setting.  One size does NOT fit all – personal customization key.  Owned by the individual and not by the institution - learner driven.  Need to accommodate reflections for a lifetime worth of learning and work.  “Word processor” technology literacy for users.

10 More assumptions  “Nothing but net!” Everything should be web based.  “KISS – keep it simple stupid” If a simple alternative presents itself - take it!  Accommodate our multi-media world.  Provide for help tools and templates to assist users.  Provide for security mechanisms that keep the user in control.  Make it free!!

11 Key partners – ties that bind  Contractor: Through a RFP (request for proposal) process a local web development company, Avenet, LLC ( was selected. Avenet offered a “buy” (as opposed to “build”) solution that provided a lifetime, in perpetuity license to their core technology. Avenet, working with our project teams, developed the necessary modifications to their core technology to produce eFolio  Legal: There were a variety of legal issues the project faced beyond contracting. These included: security, terms of use, data practices, under age issues, etc. Legal was very much part of the team.

12 Additional initial project partners…..  State labor department: Help desk services to eFolio Minnesota users is provided at no cost through the Career One Stop Service Center. Service center staff have been active partners not only during project development but also through project operations often providing trainers to schools and workforce organizations.  MnSCU IT staff: Have provided and continue to provide the support for server operations.  MnSCU academic staff: Through tech prep and Perkins, staff have provided support in the form of funding and out reach.

13 Development – when rubber meets the sky.  Development work began in the late fall of 2001 and was complete for alpha testing to begin in the spring of 2002.  was launched in August of 2002 and was re-launched in May 2003 after a re-design effort.  Enhancements continue to come on line.

14 An end-users view of eFolio Minnesota Browser-baser user interface/site management tools Content: text, HTML, images, audio, and video Interactive tools: forms, surveys, and events Display engine Public views - not available for minors Restricted views User – portfolio owner

15 Tools for instructors  The sign-up site contains a number of resources to assist instructors including a library of sample uses for electronic portfolios (see right)

16 Seeing is believing!!  Project sites The “portal” Help site  Individual sites Student Educator Worker  Administrative side of the tool

17 What the future holds in general  Lifecycle costs - We are exploring a number of ways to raise future revenues (e.g. selling additional disc space).  Business agreement with Avenet – Avenet is marketing eFolio around the country.  Current efforts, sponsored through DEED and MDE, include: a revised “magic box”, an interview build engine (think TurboTax), a searchable database engine with “opt-in/out features”, tools to support mapping portfolios to competencies/ standards, new templates/ curriculum tools, and the list goes on……

18 What the future holds for transition…… My Transition Planning Process  Welcome To Your Transition E-folio.   Middle School Mike: Welcome to my Transition Planning Process

19 Thank you!!!! Paul Wasko 651-649-5956 Jayne Spain 651-582-8515

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