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A Troubled Century. European Nations Take Over The Middle East was greatly affected by World War I The Ottoman Empire had sided with Germany Once the.

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Presentation on theme: "A Troubled Century. European Nations Take Over The Middle East was greatly affected by World War I The Ottoman Empire had sided with Germany Once the."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Troubled Century

2 European Nations Take Over The Middle East was greatly affected by World War I The Ottoman Empire had sided with Germany Once the war was over the Ottoman Empire was divided between Great Britain and France Battle of Gallipoli

3 A History of Foreign Control Europe took over the region Control took form of a mandate Mandate- country placed under control of another by international agreement

4 Mandate for Palestine YMCA; Instituted during British Mandate of Palestine (In Jerusalem)

5 Conflict over Palestine Arab region that was controlled by the Jews 2,000 years earlier After WWII many Jews attempted to migrate to Palestine/Jerusalem The UN divided Palestine into two sections (Jews/Arabs) (1947) In May 1948 Jewish leaders declared Israel an Independent state Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon declared war on Israel

6 The Arab-Israeli Wars Political tension between Arabs and Jews Israel continued to expand after multiple victories

7 Conflict and Peace 700,000 Palestinians left their homes and became refugees in other Arab Countries. PLO is established to create an independent Palestinian state. Over time the territory has been passed back and forth. 1979 Egypt became the first Arab country to establish peace with Israel. 1993 PLO established peace but in 2000 an uprising broke out.

8 Source of Conflict Conflict is partly due to religious differences Sunni v Shi’ites Religion: Sunni (Iraq) vs. Shiites (Iran) differ over leadership, Shiites accept religious leader as political leader Conflict between ethnic groups Ethnic: Arab (Iraq) vs. Persian (Iran) Nationalism (Kurds/ ethnic groups) Kurds want a country of their own. Have tried independence movements in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and been defeated killing many Kurds Fundamentalism- Ayatollah Khomeini -- took away rights and strictly followed Islam fundamentalism (strict Islam) vs. westernizing –(Ayotollah Khomenii said no alcohol and limited women’s freedom for example)

9 Recent Wars 1980 Iraq lead by Saddam Hussein invaded Iran War lasted 8 years (Iran-Iraq War) Over oil rich territory UN established a cease fire One Million people died including 11 and 12 year olds

10 The Persian Gulf War 1990 Iraq invades oil rich Kuwait UN imposes trade embargos on Iraq (took away most income) Jan 16, 1991 the Gulf War began with missile attacks and then ground attacks. 100 hours later Iraq surrendered. Saddam managed to stay in power. Iraq released oil into the Persian Gulf and torched the oil fields


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