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Programme Objectives Analyze the main components of a competency-based qualification system (e.g., Singapore Workforce Skills) Analyze the process and.

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Presentation on theme: "Programme Objectives Analyze the main components of a competency-based qualification system (e.g., Singapore Workforce Skills) Analyze the process and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programme Objectives Analyze the main components of a competency-based qualification system (e.g., Singapore Workforce Skills) Analyze the process and principles of good assessment practice Identify the key procedures in conducting competency-based assessment Identify the importance of verification in the quality assurance of assessment practices Identify the role and duties of an Internal Verifier Produce an action plan for implementing quality assurance of assessment systems, procedures and practices at institutional level TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

2 Competency Based Approach Key features: Meeting specific work related functions Is focused on a defined standard (at different levels) of competence Assessed mainly through direct performance in real work activity TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

3 Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) - Competency-Based System Competency Unit Competency Element 1 Competency Element 2 Competency Element 3 Underpinning Knowledge Performance Criteria Range and Context Evidence Sources Underpinning Knowledge Performance Criteria Range and Context Evidence Sources Underpinning Knowledge Performance Criteria Range and Context Evidence Sources A Competency Standard is used to benchmark a worker’s competence in a particular job/task TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency- Based Assessment

4 The Assessment Process Stage 1Stage 2aStage 2bStage 3Stage 4 Planning for assessment with candidate Reviewing performance and knowledge evidence Judging all evidence against agreed standards Recording decisions and giving feedback Contributing to quality assurance processes TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

5 Technical Principles of Assessment Assessment must comply with the following Technical Principles of assessment: Validity Reliability Flexibility Fairness These Technical Principles of Assessment must be fully addressed in the design and conduct of the assessment process as well as the development of assessment items and instruments TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

6 Validity In basic terms, validity refers to the ‘truth’ of the assessments made. A valid assessment is one that measures accurately what it is we intend to measure. For example, a valid driving test is one in which driving skills (Performance) is measured in typical traffic (Conditions) against the criteria established by the Motoring Authority (Standard) TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

7 Reliability Reliability refers to the capability of a test to produce the same scores with different assessors (persons scoring the test) Grade A Assessor 1 Assessor 2 Assessor 3 TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

8 Flexibility Flexibility is concerned with the process of assessment, not the standard of the assessment. For example, candidates can display the competence in a range of situations (e.g., on the job, simulated conditions) at mutually convenient times, etc), provided the competence is validly and sufficiently demonstrated. TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

9 Fairness Fairness relates to a number of considerations in assessment. However, they are all concerned with ensuring that candidates, when being assessed, are provided with appropriate access to the assessment activities and are not unfairly discriminated against in the assessment process. Unfair discrimination typically means discrimination based on criteria unrelated to the assessment activity itself, for example, gender or racial characteristics. Fairness is a general concern throughout assessment, relating as much to providing candidates with sufficient knowledge and time for assessment, to non-discriminatory processes in marking their work. TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

10 Rules of Evidence Evidence of competence must be: Valid Sufficient Current Authentic TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

11 Sufficient Sufficient refers to ‘how much assessment evidence’ do we need in order to feel confident that a candidate is competent in the area assessed?’ TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

12 Current Currency of evidence refers to how recent the evidence is generated and whether it fully relates to the most up-to-date knowledge, skills and practices for the work function being assessed. This needs to be checked against the industry standard and any specific policy guidelines stated. TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

13 Authentic Quite simply this refers to how sure we are that the work produced has been done by the candidate In an examination, we can be more confident of authenticity However, with assignments done by candidates in their own time, authenticity becomes a concern TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

14 Efficiency Assessment can be time consuming. It is important to:  Identify assessment opportunities that enable the assessment of as wide a range of performance criteria as possible  Use methods that are efficient for what we are assessing  Avoid over-assessing – be clear about what is Sufficient evidence TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

15 Verification: Quality Assurance in Assessment Verification is the main quality assurance process associated with assessment systems and practice - whether competence-based or otherwise Quality Assurance is a vital part of any credible qualification system. It must ensure that everyone involved in the assessment of candidates is assessing correctly, working to agreed procedures and to an agreed standard of performance TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

16 Verification: The Range of Roles & their Relationships External Verifier Internal Verifier Coordinator Internal Verifiers (programme level ) Assessors Awarding Body Centre Workplace TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

17 Internal Verifier (IV): The key Role in Quality Assurance The internal verifier(IV) is the key person(s) for ensuring quality of assessment practices at the institutional level (Centre) The IV conducts internal quality assurance of the assessment process by: Carrying out and evaluating internal assessment and quality assurance systems Supporting assessors Monitoring the quality of assessors’ performance Meeting external quality assurance requirements TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

18 Carrying out and evaluating internal assessment and quality assurance systems This will involve: Comparing own organizations requirements with those of the external awarding body Identifying the outcomes needed by the agreed standards and their consequences for internal auditing Auditing existing administrative and recording arrangements - modify/ change if necessary - to meet external audit requirements Carrying out assessment standardization arrangements (e.g., sampling strategy) Ensuring a procedure for complaints and appeals is in place (note: consider this in local context) Identifying problems, developing improvement plans TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

19 Sampling strategy This will vary from institution, according to needs (e.g., size, programmes offered, resources, etc) but it must be agreed with the External Verifier. The following need to be taken into account: Size of sample to ensure reliability Assessment methods used by the centre (e.g., to ensure good principles of assessment are practice, etc) Assessors – number, experience, workload, location Candidate cohorts (e.g., full-time/part-time, different employees, etc) The programmes offered – particularly if new/revised All units must be included, but there may be a greater focus on any problem unit(s) TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

20 Standardizing assessment decisions Aims: 1.Ensure that assessors consistently make valid decisions 2.Ensure that assessors make the same decision on the same evidence base 3.Ensure that all candidates are assessed fairly This involves: conducting moderation activities (e.g., a number of assessors judging the same candidate’s evidence and comparing their perceptions and decisions) TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

21 Supporting assessors This will involve: Ensuring assessors have appropriate technical and vocational experience Ensuring that assessors are competent to assess Identifying the developmental needs of assessors and facilitating any necessary training Monitoring progress and development of assessors TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

22 Monitor the quality of assessors’ performance This will involve: – Ensuring that assessors are preparing and planning assessment effectively and efficiently (e.g., understand the standards and applying principles of good assessment, etc) – Observing and questioning individual assessors to ensure good practice and consistency over time – Checking records of the assessment process (from assessment planning to summative decisions) – Giving assessors accurate and helpful feedback TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

23 Meet external quality assurance requirements This will involve: Identifying how internal assessment will be checked externally and ensuring these requirements can be met Planning, collecting and analyzing information on internal assessment decisions (note: this involves the secure keeping of all records relating to the assessment of candidates) Maintaining contact and meeting with the external verifier(s) Providing feedback on the outcomes of meetings with the external verifier to centre assessors Acting on the feedback given by external verifiers TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

24 Checklist of the range of information needed for purposes of External Verification It is the Internal Verifiers responsibility to have the following information quickly accessible: Number of registered candidates per qualification level Assessor details (e.g., CV’s, Assessor qualifications, development plans) Candidate progress reviews and achievements Assessment records and plans Candidate support resources available (e.g., guide for candidate assessment) Assessments sites used – where the assessments are carried out Internal verification sampling strategy Internal Verifier records, including feedback to Assessors and feedback from Candidates Record of claims for certification Candidate assessment evidence (e.g., portfolios) TF-SP Capability Development Programme for Competency-Based Assessment

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