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 The Promotion of a positive, safe and secure learning environment that makes educational provision for each student as a unique individual.

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3  The Promotion of a positive, safe and secure learning environment that makes educational provision for each student as a unique individual.

4  7.1. The School recognizes, values and supports the diversity of its learners  7.2. The school’s teaching and learning practices meet the interests, needs and abilities of all students.  7.3. The ethos of the school promotes improved student learning outcomes.

5  7.4. The school has identified the concern for individual students as a priority.  7.5. The school provides a safe and secure learning environment for students.

6  Sometimes demonstrated  Teaching and learning in the school value cultural identity – students/teachers/community members do not regularly participate in and organize cultural festivals, to enhance cultural richness of student learning  Researching materials that support cultural diversity vary from class to class

7  rarely demonstrated  School applies for funding for resources and materials – but teachers do not fully use the funding – each teacher usually to his/her own (teamwork), no sharing of resourcing, exchange of ideas  Too little professional development – association workshops sometimes not relevant, other pd not used extensively.

8  Not quite clear if lessons are adapted to student’s age /competency levels  Assume variety of lessons, as no quality control  Community members do not usually assist with activities.

9  mostly demonstrated  Teachers model cooperative and supportive behaviour and encourage students to do same  Students find classroom positive – good teacher/student relationships, parents/teachers resolve issues cooperatively

10  Lessons include pair/group/circle time etc. - good  Guest speakers/community members seldom invited  Student progress reports once/year only  Interactions respectful between teachers/students

11  Sometimes demonstrated  School and classroom policy documentation highlights the essential place of the student in the school – parents made aware of student’s needs, do not always assist them at home, e.g. homework  Lesson plans reflecting needs of students

12  sometimes demonstrated  Appropriate duty of care – yard duty, classroom supervision, sometimes appears that children are on their own in classrooms, e.g. when teacher not there yet in morning.  Classrooms and facilities suitable as in day school, however state of classroom especially desks not always the cleanest.

13  Teachers do not have appropriate records of children’s special needs e.g. allergies, diet – such records kept with committee, so not close at hand.  First Aid trained personnel on hand  First Aid equipment outdated and not accessible enough

14  School display plans for emergencies unclear, practice drill non-existent.

15  Outcome – that all dimensions rate mostly to always demonstrated.

16  Outcome: that staff work in teams, planning their syllabi, sharing resources and consulting about classroom management on regular basis.

17  Via staff meetings, team meetings  At school, via School teacher WIKI, telephone  Additional resources – WIKI Space, more materials to share, professional development  By when – End of Term 2 2011 for review


19  and further development

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