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Contraception and STD’s. Contraception - deliberate prevention of pregnancy.

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Presentation on theme: "Contraception and STD’s. Contraception - deliberate prevention of pregnancy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contraception and STD’s

2 Contraception - deliberate prevention of pregnancy


4 Types of Contraception Tubal Ligation – “tubes tied”, path of sperm blocked to egg Vasectomy – vas deferens is cut, prevent sperm from reaching urethra Rhythm Method – temporary abstinence around ovulation Withdrawl – removal of penis from vagina before ejaculation Barrier Methods – physically prevent sperm and egg from meeting –Condoms, diaphragm Spermicides – sperm killing chemicals Birth Control Pills – prevents ovulation –Pills, shots, ring in vagina, patch Morning After Pills – taken within 3 days after sex, abortion Abstinence – no sex (therefore no pregnancy)



7 STD’s cont… STD = contagious disease spread by sexual contact 1.Viral STD’s – Not curable EX - AIDS, genital herpes, genital warts… 2.Bacterial STD’s – Curable with drugs EX - Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis… STD’s can have no visible symptoms. STD’s are most prevalent among teens and young adults.

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