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Mrs. McCoy’s Class Room Rules & Teacher Expectations Revised: July 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. McCoy’s Class Room Rules & Teacher Expectations Revised: July 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. McCoy’s Class Room Rules & Teacher Expectations Revised: July 2010

2 1.You must be in your seat and ready to start class when the tardy bell rings. (If you come in late, sign the clipboard and have a seat quietly.) 2. No food or drinks will be permitted around the computers. 3. Be courteous and respectful of others. Classroom Rules & Expectations

3 4. Place your chair in it's proper place when not in use. 5. Maintain a quiet and productive work environment. 6. Use the restroom before class. (Each student will be issued three passes that can be used during the quarter. Any pass not used may be turned in for extra credit.) 7. Return all equipment, supplies, and cords when you are finished for the day.

4 8.Help keep the room clean. Throw away trash when you leave the classroom and take all your belongings with you. (All students will help at some time with cleaning.) 9. No personal hygiene items out. (hairbrushes, combs, perfumes, lotion, deodorant, etc.). 10. No personal electronic devices out without permission and only if needed for a project. 11. Notify the teacher when your equipment is not working properly. 12. Follow all school rules.

5 1. Cell Phones/Pagers must remain off and out of site during class time. 2. You will not make changes to the computer setup without approval from the teacher. Be a Good Digital Citizen

6 3. Do not download or copy programs to or from the computers. 4. When you are finished with all of your assignments, you may use the computer lab to: a.Do work for another class b.Learn additional software c.Do additional projects for extra credit d.Research on class related topics.

7 5. It is understood that e-mail usage is a valuable computer skill to learn, but e-mail should only be used for school related use. (E-mail will be used to distribute information and assignments, and students will be encouraged to use e-mail to send documents to the instructor.) 6. No music or movies may be played that contains adult ratings, foul language, hate, or violence.

8 7. Any computer related usage that produces sound will require the use of headphones. (You must furnish your own.) 8. Chat rooms and instant messaging are not permitted at any time. 9. No internet games. 10. Print only school related items with permission.

9 11. Do not access other students’ files. 12. All internet sites accessed must be related to school assignments and appropriate for school. Sites must not contain adult topics, racism, foul language, pornography, hate, or violence. ( If an inappropriate site is accessed accidentally, close immediately without drawing attention to the site and notify teacher.)

10 13. All students must have on file and acceptable use policy signed by the student and a parent. Excerpt from AUP: “Access to electronic resources is to enhance the curriculum and is a privilege, not a right. Any electronic use will be monitored for proper use and for achieving the academic objective. Teachers will supervise the use of electronic resources. Internet use will consist of visiting pre-determined sites or for educational research purposes. “

11 The End

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