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MAT 1235 Calculus II Winter 2015

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Presentation on theme: "MAT 1235 Calculus II Winter 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAT 1235 Calculus II Winter 2015

2 Dr. Wai W. Lau Dr. Lau Wai

3 Dr. Wai W. Lau Dr. Lau Wai =

4 Dr. Wai W. Lau Dr. Lau Wai = =

5 Dr. Wai W. Lau Dr. Lau Wai = = It is the “wai” in “Hawaii” and “Waikiki”

6 T.A. Leah Junior Math Major Studying to become a teacher

7 Friendly Competition between Y and Leah… Who will remember all of your names first? If Leah wins, I will bring snacks. If I win, she will …

8 Course Web Page Link to this document and other course information

9 Office Hours See course web page By Appointment

10 Prerequisites MAT 1234 or AP credits C- or above

11 How to success in this class? have good skills in algebra and differentiation work hard do the homework as soon as possible

12 How to success in this class? Follow Instructions on using Standard Notations Presentation Formats

13 Course Materials Textbook: Calculus 7 ed. by James Stewart (required) Access card for Enhanced WebAssign (required)

14 Text Stewart, Calculus, 7th ed.

15 Access card for Enhanced WebAssign Your access code card will look like this or this

16 Maple 18 Computer Algebraic System Buy a discounted copy ($74.25 Compare to Commercial License $2275 ) at AP3918-974C2

17 Homework Assignments WebAssign cannot check your solution steps. Be sure to write down your solution details for all your HW and put them in a binder. It is easier for you to review for exams. It will save you time!

18 Objectives (Refer to the syllabus) We will look through these at the end of the quarter.

19 Expectations - Handouts You are expected to print and bring your handout to class unless… you have a tablet that allow you display and write note on a electronic copy of the HO. Fail to have your HO repeatedly will negatively impact your grade.

20 Expectations - Solutions Sufficient and precise solution steps are expected. Do not skip steps. Pay attention to instructions given to you in class, handout, and feedback from quizzes.

21 Expectations - Tutoring Do not “ask” the tutors to do your HW. Eventually, you need to know how to do all the HW on your own. Able to redo the same HW problems in the textbook. Keep your voice down. (Hand out Bonus Point Record Sheet)

22 Expectations - WebAssign Write out full solutions. Do not skip steps and details. The point is not just to finish your HW, but also understand how to do the HW. Do not use “illegal” means to get to the answer. Correct answers do not always imply correct solutions.

23 Exams 3 Mid-term Exams and a Final Exam.

24 Homework Assignments Homework problems will be assigned daily by using the online homework system WebAssign.

25 Homework Assignments All assignments are due 1:50 pm the next school day. CAUTION: This site is not at SPU & you should give yourself plenty of time for submitting answers – sometimes the network can be slow or down.

26 Quizzes Each quiz covers homework problems from the last 2 or 3 class meetings. Quizzes problems will be based on homework problems.

27 Class Participation You can get class participation points by answering questions in class. There are small group classwork almost everyday.

28 Class Participation At the end of the quarter, your grades on class participation will be determined by the above activities and other observations by the instructor.

29 Class Participation Please respect your instructor and classmates. Do not talk during the lecture. There will be time for you to talk. Disruptive and disturbing behavior will not be tolerated.

30 Class Participation No text messaging, web surfing, email sending,…… Turn off your phone before you enter the classroom***.

31 Class Participation Annoying behaviors will reduce the maximum participation points that you can get.

32 Points Distribution Exam 160 points Exam 260 points Exam 360 points Final20 points Quizzes125 points Homework50 points Lab Reports10 points Class Participation15 points

33 Final Class Grade 90%A Range 80%B Range 70%C Range 60%D Range Below 60%E

34 Missing Classes You are responsible to catch up all the materials if you miss classes for whatever reasons (sickness, family issues, family Hawaii vacation, alien abduction etc). The instructor will not "re-teach" the lecture in any form including special appointments.

35 Make-Up Policies NO makeups for classworks and quizzes. If a student has a documented conflict that will prevent him or her from taking an exam at the scheduled time, he/she must arrange IN ADVANCE with the instructor to take the exam early.

36 Study Hints Studying in groups is an efficient way to learn mathematics. Pre-class Reading (2.5 hours) Class Post-class Study, homework (6-8 hours) There are tutorials in the CD-ROM comes with the textbook.

37 Study Hints Studying in groups is an efficient way to learn mathematics. Pre-class Reading (30 min.) Class Post-class Study, homework (~3 hours)

38 Study Hints Studying in groups is an efficient way to learn mathematics. Pre-class Reading (30 min.) Class Post-class Study, homework (~3 hours) You need to have a study group by next Monday!!

39 Help!! Free Math tutoring available starting today. Location: OMH 249

40 Help!! Talk to me. I am available during office hours and other times.

41 Homework Today WebAssign 3.9

42 MAT 1235 Calculus II WebAssign

43 Where Do I Log In? Go to the Blackboard and login with your SPU user name and password. Find the WebAssign link. Note - I synced the roster last Wednesday. If you registered after that date, I need to sync the roster again.

44 How Do I Pay for WebAssign? After logging in you may see a notice that includes Grace Period information and payment options.

45 How Do I Pay for WebAssign? You can register a code number if you have an Access Code card -or- you can buy an Access Code online with a credit card. After the Grace Period you will see the payment options and not be able to continue without entering an Access Code.

46 How Do I Pay for WebAssign? The general advise is to wait for a few days to enter the code. Once the code is entered, it is not transferable.

47 Payment/Code Registration Screen

48 MAT 1235 Calculus II Bad Algebra Habits

49 Bad habits….


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