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Windows Operating System Internals - by David A. Solomon and Mark E. Russinovich with Andreas Polze Unit OS5: Memory Management 5.4. Physical Memory Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Windows Operating System Internals - by David A. Solomon and Mark E. Russinovich with Andreas Polze Unit OS5: Memory Management 5.4. Physical Memory Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows Operating System Internals - by David A. Solomon and Mark E. Russinovich with Andreas Polze Unit OS5: Memory Management 5.4. Physical Memory Management

2 2 Copyright Notice © 2000-2005 David A. Solomon and Mark Russinovich These materials are part of the Windows Operating System Internals Curriculum Development Kit, developed by David A. Solomon and Mark E. Russinovich with Andreas Polze Microsoft has licensed these materials from David Solomon Expert Seminars, Inc. for distribution to academic organizations solely for use in academic environments (and not for commercial use)

3 3 Roadmap for Section 5.4. From working sets to paging dynamics Birth of a process working set Working set trimming, heuristics Paging, paging dynamics Hard vs. soft page faults Page files

4 4 Working Set Working set: All the physical pages “owned” by a process Essentially, all the pages the process can reference without incurring a page fault Working set limit: The maximum pages the process can own When limit is reached, a page must be released for every page that’s brought in (“working set replacement”) Default upper limit on size for each process System-wide maximum calculated & stored in MmMaximumWorkingSetSize approximately RAM minus 512 pages (2 MB on x86) minus min size of system working set (1.5 MB on x86) Interesting to view (gives you an idea how much memory you’ve “lost” to the OS) True upper limit: 2 GB minus 64 MB for 32-bit Windows

5 5 Working Set List A process always starts with an empty working set It then incurs page faults when referencing a page that isn’t in its working set Many page faults may be resolved from memory (to be described later) PerfMon Process “WorkingSet” newer pagesolder pages

6 6 Birth of a Working Set Pages are brought into memory as a result of page faults Prior to XP, no pre-fetching at image startup But readahead is performed after a fault See MmCodeClusterSize, MmDataClusterSize, MmReadClusterSize If the page is not in memory, the appropriate block in the associated file is read in Physical page is allocated Block is read into the physical page Page table entry is filled in Exception is dismissed Processor re-executes the instruction that caused the page fault (and this time, it succeeds) The page has now been “faulted into” the process “working set”

7 7 Prefetch Mechanism First 10 seconds of file activity is traced and used to prefetch data the next time Also done at boot time (described in Startup/Shutdown section) Prefetch “trace file” stored in \Windows\Prefetch Name When application run again, system automatically Reads in directories referenced Reads in code and file data Reads are asynchronous But waits for all prefetch to complete

8 8 Prefetch Mechanism In addition, every 3 days, system automatically defrags files involved in each application startup Bottom line: Reduces disk head seeks This was seen to be the major factor in slow application/system startup

9 9 Working Set Replacement When working set max reached (or working set trim occurs), must give up pages to make room for new pages Local page replacement policy (most Unix systems implement global replacement) Means that a single process cannot take over all of physical memory unless other processes aren’t using it Page replacement algorithm is least recently accessed (pages are aged) On UP systems only in Windows 2000 – done on all systems in Windows XP/Server 2003 New VirtualAlloc flag in XP/Server 2003: MEM_WRITE_WATCH PerfMon Process “WorkingSet” to standby or modified page list

10 10 Soft vs. Hard Page Faults Types of “soft” page faults: Pages can be faulted back into a process from the standby and modified page lists A shared page that’s valid for one process can be faulted into other processes Some hard page faults unavoidable Process startup (loading of EXE and DLLs) Normal file I/O done via paging Cached files are faulted into system working set To determine paging vs. normal file I/Os: Monitor Memory->Page Reads/sec Not Memory->Page Faults/sec, as that includes soft page faults Subtract System->File Read Operations/sec from Page Reads/sec Or, use Filemon to determine what file(s) are having paging I/O (asterisk next to I/O function) Should not stay high for sustained period

11 11 Working Set System Services Min/Max set on a per-process basis Can view with !process in Kernel Debugger System call below can adjust min/max, but has minimal effect prior to Server 2003 Limits are “soft” (many processes larger than max) Memory Manager decides when to grow/shink working sets New system call in Server 2003 (SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx) allows setting hard min/max Can also self-initiate working set trimming Pass -1, -1 as min/max working set size (minimizing a window does this for you) Windows API: SetProcessWorkingSetSize( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwMinimumWorkingSetSize, DWORD dwMaximumWorkingSetSize)

12 12 Locking Pages Pages may be locked into the process working set Pages are guaranteed in physical memory (“resident”) when any thread in process is executing Windows API: status = VirtualLock(baseAddress, size); status = VirtualUnlock(baseAddress, size); Number of lockable pages is a fraction of the maximum working set size Changed by SetProcessWorkingSetSize Pages can be locked into physical memory (by kernel mode code only) Pages are then immune from “outswapping” as well as paging MmProbeAndLockPages

13 13 Balance Set Manager Nearest thing Windows has to a “swapper” Balance set = sum of all inswapped working sets Balance Set Manager is a system thread Wakes up every second. If paging activity high or memory needed: trims working sets of processes if thread in a long user-mode wait, marks kernel stack pages as pageable if process has no nonpageable kernel stacks, “outswaps” process triggers a separate thread to do the “outswap” by gradually reducing target process’s working set limit to zero Evidence: Look for threads in “Transition” state in PerfMon Means that kernel stack has been paged out, and thread is waiting for memory to be allocated so it can be paged back in This thread also performs a scheduling-related function CPU starvation avoidance - already covered

14 14 System Working Set Just as processes have working sets, Windows’ pageable system-space code and data lives in the “system working set” Made up of 4 components: Paged pool Pageable code and data in the exec Pageable code and data in kernel-mode drivers, Win32K.Sys, graphics drivers, etc. Global file system data cache To get physical (resident) size of these with PerfMon, look at: Memory | Pool Paged Resident Bytes Memory | System Code Resident Bytes Memory | System Driver Resident Bytes Memory | System Cache Resident Bytes Memory | Cache bytes counter is total of these four “resident” (physical) counters (not just the cache; in NT4, same as “File Cache” on Task Manager / Performance tab) 5

15 15 80000000 System code (NTOSKRNL, HAL, boot drivers); initial nonpaged pool A0000000 Win32k.sys *8MB) A0800000 Session Working Set Lists x86 Mapped Views for Session Paged Pool for Session A0C00000 A2000000 Session Working Set New memory management object to support Terminal Services in Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 Session = an interactive user Session working set = the memory used by a session Instance of WinLogon and Win32 subsystem process WIN32K.SYS remapped for each unique session Win32 subsystem objects Win32 subsystem paged pool Process working sets page within session working set Revised system space layout

16 16 Managing Physical Memory System keeps unassigned physical pages on one of several lists Free page list Modified page list Standby page list Zero page list Bad page list - pages that failed memory test at system startup Lists are implemented by entries in the “PFN database” Maintained as FIFO lists or queues

17 17 Paging Dynamics New pages are allocated to working sets from the top of the free or zero page list Pages released from the working set due to working set replacement go to the bottom of: The modified page list (if they were modified while in the working set) The standby page list (if not modified) Decision made based on “D” (dirty = modified) bit in page table entry Association between the process and the physical page is still maintained while the page is on either of these lists

18 18 Standby and Modified Page Lists Modified pages go to modified (dirty) list Avoids writing pages back to disk too soon Unmodified pages go to standby (clean) list They form a system-wide cache of “pages likely to be needed again” Pages can be faulted back into a process from the standby and modified page list These are counted as page faults, but not page reads

19 19 Modified Page Writer When modified list reaches certain size, modified page writer system thread is awoken to write pages out See MmModifiedPageMaximum Also triggered when memory is overcomitted (too few free pages) Does not flush entire modified page list Two system threads One for mapped files, one for the paging file Pages move from the modified list to the standby list E.g. they can still be soft faulted into a working set

20 20 Free and Zero Page Lists Free Page List Used for page reads Private modified pages go here on process exit Pages contain junk in them (e.g. not zeroed) On most busy systems, this is empty Zero Page List Used to satisfy demand zero page faults References to private pages that have not been created yet When free page list has 8 or more pages, a priority zero thread is awoken to zero them On most busy systems, this is empty too

21 21 Paging Dynamics Standby Page List ZeroPageListFree ProcessWorkingSets page read from disk or kernel allocations demand zero page faults working set replacement Modified Page List modifiedpagewriter zeropagethread “soft”pagefaults BadPageList Private pages at process exit

22 22 Process 3 Process 2 Process 1 Working Sets in Memory 00000000 7FFFFFFF 80000000 FFFFFFFF Pages in Physical Memory F F F F M M M M M SS S S As processes incur page faults, pages are removed from the free, modified, or standby lists and made part of the process working set A shared page may be resident in several processes’ working sets at one time (this case not illustrated here) F F F F F F F F 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 1

23 23 Page Frame Number-Database One entry (24 bytes) for each physical page Describes state of each page in physical memory Entries for active/valid and transition pages contain: Original PTE value (to restore when paged out) Original PTE virtual address and container PFN Working set index hint (for the first process...) Entries for other pages are linked in: Free, standby, modified, zeroed, bad lists (parity error will kill kernel) Share count (active/valid pages): Number of PTEs which refer to that page; 1->0: candidate for free list Reference count: Locking for I/O: INC when share count 1->0; DEC when unlocked Share count = 0 & reference count = 1 is possible Reference count 1->0: page is inserted in free, standby or modified lists

24 24 Page Frame Database – states of pages in physical memory StatusDescription Active/valid Page is part of working set (sys/proc), valid PTE points to it Transition Page not owned by a working set, not on any paging list I/O is in progress on this page Standby Page belonged to a working set but was removed; not modified Modified Removed from working set, modified, not yet written to disk Modified no write Modified page, will not be touched by modified page write, used by NTFS for pages containing log entries (explicit flushing) Free Page is free but has dirty data in it – cannot be given to user process – C2 security requirement Zeroed Page is free and has been initialized by zero page thread Bad Page has generated parity or other hardware errors

25 25 Page tables and page frame database valid Invalid: disk address Invalid: transition valid Invalid: disk address Valid valid Invalid: transition Invalid: disk address Prototype PTE Process 1 page table Process 2 page table Process 3 page table Active Standby Active Modified Zeroed Free Standby Modified Bad Modified no write

26 26 NotepadWordExplorerSystemAvailable Avail.RAM Optimizer SystemExplorerWordNotepad Available Before: During: After: Why “Memory Optimizers” are Fraudware See Mark’s article on this topic at

27 27 Page Files What gets sent to the paging file? Not code – only modified data (code can be re-read from image file anytime) When do pages get paged out? Only when necessary Page file space is only reserved at the time pages are written out Once a page is written to the paging file, the space is occupied until the memory is deleted (e.g. at process exit), even if the page is read back from disk Windows XP (& Embedded NT4) can run with no paging file NT4/Win2K: zero pagefile size actually creates a 20MB temporary page file (\temppf.sys) WinPE never has a pagefile Page file maximums: 16 page files per system 32-bit x86: 4095MB 32-bit PAE mode, 64-bit systems: 16 TB

28 28 Why Page File Usage on Systems with Ample Free Memory? Because memory manager doesn’t let process working sets grow arbitrarily Processes are not allowed to expand to fill available memory (previously described) Bias is to keep free pages for new or expanding processes This will cause page file usage early in the system life even with ample memory free We talked about the standby list, but there is another list of modified pages recently removed from working sets Modified private pages are held in memory in case the process asks for it back When the list of modified pages reaches a certain threshold, the memory manager writes them to the paging file (or mapped file) Pages are moved to the standby list, since they are still “valid” and could be requested again

29 29 Sizing the Page File Given understanding of page file usage, how big should the total paging file space be? (Windows supports multiple paging files) Size should depend on total private virtual memory used by applications and drivers Therefore, not related to RAM size (except for taking a full memory dump) Worst case: system has to page all private data out to make room for code pages To handle, minimum size should be the maximum of VM usage (“Commit Charge Peak”) Hard disk space is cheap, so why not double this Normally, make maximum size same as minimum But, max size could be much larger if there will be infrequent demands for large amounts of page file space Performance problem: page file extension will likely be very fragmented Extension is deleted on reboot, thus returning to a contiguous page file

30 30 Contiguous Page Files A few fragments won’t hurt, but hundreds of fragments will Will be contiguous when created if contiguous space available at that time Can defrag with Pagedefrag tool (freeware - Or buy a paid defrag product…

31 31 When Page Files are Full When page file space runs low 1. “System running low on virtual memory” First time: Before pagefile expansion Second time: When committed bytes reaching commit limit 2. “System out of virtual memory” Page files are full Look for who is consuming pagefile space: Process memory leak: Check Task Manager, Processes tab, VM Size column or Perfmon “private bytes”, same counter Paged pool leak: Check paged pool size Run poolmon to see what object(s) are filling pool Could be a result of processes not closing handles - check process “handle count” in Task Manager

32 32 Nonpageable components: Nonpageable parts of NtosKrnl.Exe, drivers Nonpaged pool (see PerfMon, Memory object: Pool nonpaged bytes) non-paged code non-paged data pageable code+data (virtual size) output of “drivers.exe” is similar Win32K.Sys is paged, even though it shows up as nonpaged Other drivers might do this too, so total nonpaged size is not really visible System Nonpaged Memory 8 A 9 8A9

33 33 Optimizing Applications Minimizing Page Faults Some page faults are unavoidable code is brought into physical memory (from.EXEs and.DLLs) via page faults the file system cache reads data from cached files in response to page faults First concern is to minimize number of “hard” page faults i.e. page faults to disk see Performance Monitor, “Memory” object, “page faults” vs. “page reads” (this is system-wide, not per process) for an individual app, see Page Fault Monitor: note that these results are highly dependent on system load (physical memory usage by other apps) c:\> pfmon /? c:\> pfmon program-to-be-monitored

34 34 Accounting for Physical Memory Usage Process working sets Perfmon: Process / Working set Note, shared resident pages are counted in the process working set of every process that’s faulted them in Hence, the total of all of these may be greater than physical memory Resident system code (NTOSKRNL + drivers, including win32k.sys & graphics drivers) see total displayed by !drivers 1 command in kernel debugger Nonpageable pool Perfmon: Memory / Pool nonpaged bytes Free, zero, and standby page lists Perfmon: Memory / Available bytes Pageable, but currently-resident, system- space memory Perfmon: Memory / Pool paged resident bytes Perfmon: Memory / System cache resident bytes Memory | Cache bytes counter is really total of these four “resident” (physical) counters Modified, Bad page lists can only see size of these with !memusage command in Kernel Debugger

35 35 Further Reading Mark E. Russinovich and David A. Solomon, Microsoft Windows Internals, 4th Edition, Microsoft Press, 2004. Chapter 7 - Memory Management Page Fault Handling (from pp. 439) Working Sets (from pp. 457) Memory Pools (from pp. 399) Page Frame Number Database (from pp. 469)

36 36 Source Code References Windows Research Kernel sources \base\ntos\mm – Memory manager Wslist.c, Wsmanage.c – working set management Pfnlist.c – physical memory list management Modwrite.c – modified page writer \base\ntos\inc\mm.h – additional structure definitions \base\ntos\cache – Cache manager

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