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A Trip to the Fair By: Mrs. Pancake-Boal 2009 How to use this document to create “Narrative Input”: 1.Print “slides” in color 2.Cut out the pictures and.

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Presentation on theme: "A Trip to the Fair By: Mrs. Pancake-Boal 2009 How to use this document to create “Narrative Input”: 1.Print “slides” in color 2.Cut out the pictures and."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Trip to the Fair By: Mrs. Pancake-Boal 2009 How to use this document to create “Narrative Input”: 1.Print “slides” in color 2.Cut out the pictures and text 3.Cut construction paper to size 4.Glue the picture to one side of the construction paper and the text to the other side 5.Read aloud the text while showing the audience the picture 6.Tape the cards to a background 7.Revisit by retelling using word cards, speech/thought bubbles and story map

2 One beautiful, sunny day, Melvin the Marble was getting ready to meet his friend Tina the Top. Today they were going to the fair and he couldn't wait! So he rolled himself down the stairs, turning and turning, over and over again until he reached his front door.

3 He bounced outside onto the sidewalk and headed to Tina’s house. He rolled past the local store and circled around the bakery before making it to Tina's house. “Hey Tina! Time to go to the fair!” Melvin yelled. “Coming!” Tina replied. And out Tina twirled.

4 They could smell the popcorn and cotton candy as they spun and rolled their way along the sidewalk. “MMMMM…I smell popcorn!” said Melvin. “And I smell pink cotton candy!” exclaimed Tina. They both moved faster.

5 The first thing they saw was the Ferris Wheel. “Look how fast the Ferris Wheel is spinning!” yelled Tina! Then Melvin noticed the swings. “Look Tina! The Swings! You love that ride!” Tina and Melvin twisted and rolled even faster to the front gate.

6 Then Melvin noticed his favorite ride of all…the Roller Coaster. He loved the force of the runway and how quickly he rolled and turned. “Tina!! The Roller Coaster! It’s my favorite ride!” “OOOOO…look how fast the cars roll along the track…and check out that giant slope! Let’s do that one first!”

7 Tina and Melvin got in line. They could hear the wheels of the carts squeaking and turning as it rolled along the track (runway). They notice one cart was not being used. “I wonder why that car isn't running?” asked Tina. “Melvin peered closer and noticed the axle between the two wheels was broken. “Oh! The axle is broken…it won’t run straight if the axle is not connected right to both wheels.” “Oh…” said Tina. “Good thing someone noticed that!”

8 It was finally Melvin and Tina’s turn. They bounced into the back seat…that was their favorite because the force of the roller coaster was the best. Up…up…up they went…to the top of the runway. The slope ahead was VERY steep…finally the force of the slope pushed them down and they were off!

9 Doooowwwwnnnn they went. The wheels of the cart spun faster and faster as they headed for their first loop. “Hold on!” Melvin yelled! They zoomed around a curve…and down another slope. Then finally…they were heading for the last big loop…a double loop! Melvin and Tina spun upside down twice before speeding down the runway and then coming to a stop at the end of the ramp. “Woohoo!” they both yelled! “So what’s next? Tina asked. “Hmmm…I think the Swings!”

10 So Tina and Melvin headed to Swings. This was followed by and ride of the Ferris Wheel and Giant Slide!

11 All the spinning and twirling didn’t make Tina and Melvin very hungry, so they decided not to get anything to eat. Instead…they stopped at a place where they could build a spinning toy. It was called a Zoomer! They used string and a round disk to make them. “These look the roller coaster wheels!” Tina said, pointing to the round shaped disks. “You’re right!” said Melvin. They thanked the man who was helping them and decided it was time to head home.

12 “Thanks for coming with me to the fair!” exclaimed Melvin. I had so much fun!” “Me too!” cried Tina. I can’t wait to go next year. Tina and Melvin practiced spinning their Zoomers as they both twisted and rolled all the way home.

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