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NCRN Approach to Communicating Science Information Geoff Sanders, Data Manager National Capital Region Network 2009 Data Management Meeting Tucson, Arizona.

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Presentation on theme: "NCRN Approach to Communicating Science Information Geoff Sanders, Data Manager National Capital Region Network 2009 Data Management Meeting Tucson, Arizona."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCRN Approach to Communicating Science Information Geoff Sanders, Data Manager National Capital Region Network 2009 Data Management Meeting Tucson, Arizona

2 Our “Approach” An approach but no plan: The NCRN has an approach or strategy geared to communicating scientific information but does not currently have a communication plan. Started early on: Started to develop communication ideas and relationships with partners before the collection of monitoring data began (~2005). Developed partnerships: Partnered with the regional learning center (UERLA) and the Integration and Application Network from the Univ. of Maryland to develop a suite of communication products. Product diversity: Developed a diversity of products for a variety of audiences.

3 Communication Products Photo Book Resource Fact Sheets Park Posters Vital Signs Book NPS Report Series Scientific Journals Web Data Portal Vital Signs Resource Briefs Technical General

4 Values Stressors Harpers Ferry National Historical Park APPROACH: Visual

5 APPROACH: Conceptual

6 Ecosystem pattern and process 0.56 0.31 0.25 --- 6.0 ≥ X ≤ 8.5 36.56 ug/L IBI>3 --- IBI>3 --- <10 deer/sq km --- >10% impervious --- 0.92 0.04 0.52 --- 0.62 --- 0 --- 0 --- Air quality and climate 0.31 8 ppm/8 hr --- 15 ug/m -3 --- 0.28 --- 0.33 --- CategoryVital Sign Threshold eg EPA Attainment % of time Category Score Park Score Park APPROACH: Interpretable and Synthesized

7 Provides an overview of the NCRN Monitoring Program and vital signs. Describes the approach of using conceptual diagrams to convey information. Provides some perspective on regional issues: values and stressors for network parks. Portrays each park individually with a customized conceptual diagram Regional Vital Signs Booklet

8 Poster Series

9 NCRN Web Data Portal




13 Other Ways to Communicate RSS FEEDS Relatively easy to set up and maintain. Less invasive way of communicating. Need to let people know about it. Interactive Blogs Audience: Internal only???? External ????

14 Take Home Messages Start Early. We benefited greatly by establishing a communication partnership and developing a basic suite of products early on. Broad range of products applicable for different audiences and situations. Stakeholder involvement. Get input for stakeholders (park managers).

15 Questions to Ask How do we gauge success?

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