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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2009 “Embellish Your Pictures” Build an Application for an Android Phone Jack Ha, Balwinder Kaur Oct 3, 2009 – 5:15PM Room CCL.

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Presentation on theme: "Silicon Valley Code Camp 2009 “Embellish Your Pictures” Build an Application for an Android Phone Jack Ha, Balwinder Kaur Oct 3, 2009 – 5:15PM Room CCL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silicon Valley Code Camp 2009 “Embellish Your Pictures” Build an Application for an Android Phone Jack Ha, Balwinder Kaur Oct 3, 2009 – 5:15PM Room CCL

2 Who We Are  Senior Software Engineer at T-Mobile USA  Mobile Software Development Team in Mountain View  Contact:  

3 Agenda  Demo  Source code walk-through  Q&A

4 Demo MBellish

5 Thank You – Q & A  Mbellish Wiki es-BuildanApplicationforanAndroidPhone-2009 es-BuildanApplicationforanAndroidPhone-2009  Android SDK and Documentation  Android Platform Source Code  Ask questions on Android Mailing Lists

6 In detail….

7 What is Android?  Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications  Activity  Presents a visual user interface for one focused action that the user can undertake  Intent  An abstract description of an operation to be performed  Provides a facility for performing late runtime binding between the code in different applications.  Glue between Activities

8 Units of Measurement  DP  Density-independent Pixels - an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen. These units are relative to a 160 dpi screen, so one dp is one pixel on a 160 dpi screen.  SP  Scale-independent Pixels - this is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference.

9 Android Project Using Eclipse  Download Eclipse from  Download and install the Android SDK and ADT Plugin for Eclipse  Follow instructions on

10 Main Screen  Create User Interface (UI) screen using XML  Inflate an XML UI in the Activity  An Activity presents a visual user interface for one focused action that the user can undertake  Add functionality to the Button click callback  Create an Intent to pick a picture from a built- in Gallery  An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed

11 Compose Screen – Part I  Retrieve selected picture Uri from an Intent  Create a menu using an XML file  Inflate menu in the Activity  Respond to menu selection  Create a custom view  Use a custom view in a layout  Retrieve the selected Bitmap from an Uri  Scale the image  Draw the image on the screen

12 Text Selection Screen  New UI Widget - EditText  Create selection dialog boxes with AlertDialog.Builder  Common phrases selection dialog box  Custom font selection dialog box  Color selection dialog box  Custom user font data adapter. Using free fonts from: fonts.html fonts.html  Return text with selected font and color as an intent back to the caller activity

13 Clip Art Selection Screen  New UI Widget – GridView  Custom clipart data adapter. Using free clip art from: http://www.clker.com  Return selected clip art as an intent back to the caller activity

14 Compose Screen – Part II  Overlay text and clip art over the selected image  Respond to touch events

15 Actions  Export Embellished Picture to the Gallery  Send Embellished Picture via MMS and Email

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