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Blood Pressure Machine Prototype Review Presentation By Audrow Nash, Travis McNeill, Ilya Sandler

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Presentation on theme: "Blood Pressure Machine Prototype Review Presentation By Audrow Nash, Travis McNeill, Ilya Sandler"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood Pressure Machine Prototype Review Presentation By Audrow Nash, Travis McNeill, Ilya Sandler

2 1.Design specifications 2.Progress 3.Continua Compliance 4.Android Application 5.Related future work 6.Documentation 7.Plan Table of Contents

3 1.External Power Supply 2.Enclosure for device 3.Interface with blood pressure pump (BPP) 4.System uses a touch screen interface for user control 5.Continua compliant 6.Android Application with user interface Design Specification

4 Progress: Design Specification 1.External Power Supply 2.Enclosure for device 3.Interface with blood pressure pump (BPP) 4.System uses a touch screen interface for user control 5.Continua compliant 6.Android Application with user interface

5  USB Hub: 5V  Raspberry Pi: max 515 mA  Bluetooth Dongle: 100mA  Touch Screen: 12v with 660mA  Blood Pressure module: 12v at 645mA Progress: Power Supply Analysis


7 Progress : Design Specification 1.External Power Supply 2.Enclosure for device 3.Interface with blood pressure pump (BPP) 4.System uses a touch screen interface for user control 5.Continua compliant 6.Android Application with user interface

8 Project Specification: System must be contained within an enclosure  Dimensions of the Touch Screen display dictate the overall size of the enclosure  3D printed Progress: Enclosure Analysis

9  Began Analysis from cardboard model  Constructed 3-D model in Solid Works  Equipment Layout Analysis using 3-D model  Printed Enclosure  Special thanks to Dr. Patterson for his many contributions to the project Progress: Enclosure

10 Progress: Enclosure Demo


12 Progress: System Assembly

13 Progress: Design Specification 1.External Power Supply 2.Enclosure for device 3.Interface with blood pressure pump (BPP) 4.System uses a touch screen interface for user control 5.Continua compliant 6.Android Application with user interface

14 Progress: BPP Interface Serial Communication through Linux Terminal

15 Progress: Design Specification 1.External Power Supply 2.Enclosure for device 3.Interface with blood pressure pump (BPP) 4.System uses a touch screen interface for user control 5.Continua compliant 6.Android Application with user interface

16 Progress: GUI demo

17 Progress: Design Specification 1.External Power Supply 2.Enclosure for device 3.Interface with blood pressure pump (BPP) 4.System uses a touch screen interface for user control 5.Continua compliant 6.Android Application with user interface

18 Continua Compliance: Explanation

19 Continua Compliance: Semester Plan

20  Planned for difficulty  2 weeks Fall 2013  8 weeks Spring 2014  Pushing into time allocated for debug  3 additional three weeks  Total ~13 weeks for Continua Compliance

21 Continua Compliance: Methods Attempted  RFCOMM : Redesign Bluetooth  Antidote: Continua compliant service  Oximeter HDP tutorial  HDPy repository  AND Blood pressure pump to Linux computer  Contact HDPy developers  Linux to Linux spoof oximeter data example  Linux to Linux spoof blood pressure data

22 Continua Compliance: Demo

23 Progress: Design Specification 1.External Power Supply 2.Enclosure for device 3.Interface with blood pressure pump (BPP) 4.System uses a touch screen interface for user control 5.Continua compliant 6.Android Application with user interface

24 Android Application Android HDP Application Android application that supports the Health Device Protocol standard with Bluetooth capability. Likely has error in the stack

25  Wrap Continua Communication in C programming wrapper  Establish auto-pairing between manager and agent  Create Continua Compliant Android sink Related Future Work

26  Source code  Drawings and documentation  User’s manual for prototype blood pressure machine  Documentation for FDA Documentation

27  Submission of a PMN (510k)  Must show substantial equivalence to a chosen predicate device.  A&D UA-767PBT  A&D UA-767PBT-C  Equivalence is shown through:  Indication Statements  Intended Use  Technological Characteristics  Descriptive Characteristics FDA Documentation

28 Plan: Semester Milestones Task NameDurationStartFinish Case Design35 daysMon 1/13/14Fri 2/28/14 Raspberry Pi Interface35 daysMon 1/13/14Fri 2/28/14 Android Interface20 daysMon 1/20/14Fri 2/14/14 Prepare for PSR Presentation 5 daysMon 2/3/14Fri 2/7/14 Prepare for PRP Presentation 4 daysMon 3/17/14Thu 3/20/14 HDP Communication18 daysMon 3/10/14Fri 4/16/14 Testing & Documentation35 daysMon 3/3/14Fri 4/18/14 Design Expo Preparation9 daysMon 4/21/14Thu 5/1/14

29 1.Accurate data transmission 2.Function properly with extended runtime 3.User setup and run without instructions 4.Behavior with various data interruption 5.Interface to Continua Devices Plan: Testing

30 Test name: Accurate data transmission Independent variables: Blood pressure pump Dependent variables: Data readings (systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, heart rate) Controls: Environment of testing, person who’s blood pressure is being measured Plan: Testing

31 Test name: Function properly with extended runtime Independent variables: Time elapsed Dependent variables: Device functionality: Able to take and view blood pressure reading Controls: Testing environment Plan: Testing

32 Test name: User setup and run without instructions Independent variables: User selected Dependent variables: Time for user to view their blood pressure Controls: Withhold instructions, method of seeking feedback, testing environment Plan: Testing

33 Test name: Behavior with various data interruption Independent variables: Method of interruption Dependent variables: After connect is reestablished, if data passed continues to be passed without an error Controls: Test environment, trials per independent variable Plan: Testing

34 Test name: Interface to Continua Devices Independent variables: Device used as agent Dependent variables: If correct data is passed from agent to manager Controls: Test environment, managing device Plan: Testing

35 Summary 1.Design specifications 2.Progress 3.Continua Compliance 4.Android Application 5.Related future work 6.Documentation 7.Plan

36 Our sponsors:  Ascot Technologies  Suntech Medical Special thanks to our mentors:  Dr. Hargrove  Grayson Randall Thank you!

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