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A tour of introducing phonegap introducing PhoneGap.

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Presentation on theme: "A tour of introducing phonegap introducing PhoneGap."— Presentation transcript:

1 a tour of introducing phonegap introducing PhoneGap

2 Thành viên của nhóm 2

3 PHONEGAP?OMG…WHAT IS IT? -a Framwork: But what is framwwork? -It’s a free opensource of Nitobi -It can be used to develop mobile application. -used for building apps for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, webOS, Bada, Symbian -It’s called cross platform -what’s cross platform? -allow developers use HTML.CSS and JavaScript to develop their apps

4 The benefit of phonegap? 1 Write once,run everywhere 2 Do more with less 3 Most APIs are provided

5 -Code once,but work perfectly on all devices 1

6 -Understanding on HTML,Css,javascript then you can start changing the world -Its source code is based on web technology(HTML5,CSS3,Javascript) and open source 2

7 -Most of API are provided so programmers can interfere with device’s functions(camera,GPS,Files,Contacts…) 3

8 The limitation of phonegap? 1 Problem with old mobile brower 4 others problem 3 Problem with resolution on different devices 2 Problem with resources management

9 -Incompatitible with old mobile brower because javascsript isn’t supported and its slow speed 1

10 -Can’t control the process, Synchronization, asynchronization as well -Ability in graphic is limited 2

11 -The application layout will not compatibility with different devices 3

12 The limitation of phonegap? 4 others problem

13 The limitation of phonegap? -Other parts of the device can’t be controlled,ex:keypad, track ball, tapping,rocker … -It’s hard for developing bacause of debugging hard -there is a limitation on related document wiritten about PhoneGap, may be it’s new 4 Others problem

14 * But….Don’t worry Day by day,PhoneGap try to release their new update versions to fix bug and reduce its limitations May be,it will be used widely in the future

15 Bảng so sánh giữa các ứng dụng di đ ộng

16 Cách thức hoạt đ ộng

17 Kiến trúc PhoneGap

18 JavaScript Business Logic Part JavaScript Part

19 PhoneGap API


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