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Fats are a source of food energy (calories) Combination of saturated and unsaturated fats Often considered but are essential to our bodies Keep our skin.

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Presentation on theme: "Fats are a source of food energy (calories) Combination of saturated and unsaturated fats Often considered but are essential to our bodies Keep our skin."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fats are a source of food energy (calories) Combination of saturated and unsaturated fats Often considered but are essential to our bodies Keep our skin and hair healthy and also help the body absorb certain vitamins and move them through the blood

3 Heart disease Cancer Diabetes High blood pressure Stroke Obesity

4 How to reduce fats? Decrease or eliminate animal products that are high in fat. Includes red meat, poultry, dairy products such as whole milk, cream and butter. If you do eat meat, choose the leanest cuts of meat, poultry and fish available. Check healthy cookbooks for tasty new recipe ideas. Increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruit in your diet. Eat them raw whenever possible. Change your method of cooking. Broil, bake, steam or poach rather than fry. Use vegetable cooking sprays rather than fat or oils when you cook.

5 Select low-fat or nonfat alternatives when they're available. Choose nonfat yogurt over regular, for example. Eat low-fat cheese and drink skim milk. Reduce the amount of nuts, butters and olives that you eat. All are high in fat Remove the skin from chicken or turkey. Snack on fresh fruit, chips that are baked rather than fried, or air-popped popcorn. Watch labels. Low-calorie does not always mean low-fat. Exercise regularly

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