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K-5 Curriculum Night 2015-2016. Curriculum Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards Quarterly curriculum maps available online at Our.

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Presentation on theme: "K-5 Curriculum Night 2015-2016. Curriculum Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards Quarterly curriculum maps available online at Our."— Presentation transcript:

1 K-5 Curriculum Night 2015-2016

2 Curriculum Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards Quarterly curriculum maps available online at Our comprehensive curriculum includes:  Reading  Writing  Math  Science  Social Studies  Music, Art, and PE

3 Curriculum Maps Online Visit our website to find your student’s curriculum maps by grade level and content area.

4 District Grading Practices Higley teachers will teach the Arizona academic standards and assess how students are progressing. When teachers report student progress they will follow these guidelines: 1.Scores are related to achievement of the standards 2.Variety of assessments used to gather evidence of achievement 3.Assessment procedures support student learning

5 Standards Based Grading Defined: Standards-based grading measures the mastery of the learning objectives It is based on a specific set of standards that students need to meet for each grade/content level Marks are not a comparison of one student to another, but rather a way to measure how well each student is doing on grade-level/course level standards A standards based approach allows parents and students to understand more clearly what is expected of students and how to help them be successful in their educational program

6 A Standards-based approach: Indicates what students know and are able to do Scores indicate a student’s progress toward the attainment of a standard Clearly communicates expectations ahead of time Is based on complex tasks, as opposed to rote memory Occurs when appropriate, not just on scheduled days Emphasizes the more recent evidence of learning Multiple methods of grade calculation are used to determine grades

7 Report Card Indicators The K-5 Grade Reports to Parents include the following levels of performance: 4 = Above benchmark / Exceeds current grade level expectations 3 = Meets benchmark / At grade level expectations 2 = Approaching benchmark / Improving but not consistent 1 = Below grade level / Needs more time and support Blank = Not yet introduced GOAL


9 K-5 Assessment and Grading Handbook Online Visit our website for frequently asked questions!

10 Food and Snacks Lunch Money: Please ensure that your child has lunch money in his or her account if you buy lunch $2.55 o Breakfast is no longer free - $1.85 o Free and Reduced Lunch forms are available o No candy for afternoon recess o Water only in class

11 Responsibility Our Kiddos Make a Huge Jump!! Expectations: o Bring all work and materials back and forth to school o Complete class work in class o Complete homework and turn in on time o Respect others and others’ property Dismissal: o Please ensure students know how they are getting home. o If there is a change to their regular schedule, please communicate with the teacher as soon as possible.

12 Discipline and Communication Discipline Plan on teacher website o Basic rules apply & we will contact you with repeat offenders o Please contact via e-mail if you have a concern Please communicate with us OFTEN Please check our websites OFTEN E-mail is the quickest form of communication Please check Synergy (online grades) OFTEN

13 Math Students will learn various lessons and do independent work Students will complete weekly skill practice Students will participate in a school wide and district wide intervention program based on his or her mastery PLEASE ~ focus on Math facts every night, we start multi-step problems in fourth grade (They can flashcard in the car!!)

14 Reading Silent Reading o Students will be given a quarter goal. o Students should read at least 20 minutes per night Comprehension o Students will practice this through read aloud and literature study / circle Skills o Students will revisit skills (inference, connections, etc.) throughout the school year o Please reinforce this at home Fluency o Students will practice at school, but, they need to practice at home too o Students should read aloud and also hear YOU read aloud to improve these skills

15 Writing Students will focus on vocabulary, spelling, handwriting and sentence structure Students will write at minimum of one essay per quarter and will be graded on the 6 +1 Traits rubric Students will answer ALL questions in complete sentences (and accurately) for a grade level mastery of “3”

16 Science Students will take notes via text book guided worksheets and journals Students will create study guides in class and will take tests on a chapter basis We NEED science experiment donations; if you know one that would be standards-based and can facilitate or donate, please let us know

17 Social Studies Arizona History Arizona turns 104!!!!!! Preamble Current Events

18 Online Resources Online Grades: Synergy: ParentVue/StudentVue o Please see your child’s teacher for your access code after the presentation Teacher Pages: “Gateway Pointe”

19 Questions?

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