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MESOZOIC ERA Presented by: Natalia Agudelo Juan Sebastián Landázuri Daniela González Rojas Fabio Baena.

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Presentation on theme: "MESOZOIC ERA Presented by: Natalia Agudelo Juan Sebastián Landázuri Daniela González Rojas Fabio Baena."— Presentation transcript:

1 MESOZOIC ERA Presented by: Natalia Agudelo Juan Sebastián Landázuri Daniela González Rojas Fabio Baena

2  Triassic= Age of reptiles  Start 284 million years ego  Cover 35 years  Jurassic=  Begins 213 million years ego  Cover 69 million years  Cretaceous= Is the longest period  Start 114 million years ego  Cover 79 million years HOW IS DIVIDED?

3 3

4  The First period  “Age of reptiles”  Crocodiles, turtles.  The earliest mammals evolved.  Small sizes (like a mouse)  Permanent extinction=extreme natural conditions TRIASSIC PERIOD 1

5  The environment in all the period  Volcano eruption  Global cooling  Separation of the tectonic floor.  Extra= coral was already in the ocean it survive the terminal extinction ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT

6  Dinosaurs were the most common animal  They rule about 150 million years in all the times  They evolved ( Archaeopteryx) JURASSIC PERIOD 2

7  At all the Jurassic  Hot and dry  The season were more notaries  Flower plants evolved  The laurasia and gondwana separation  Extra= sharks, rays, ammonites and crocodiles appear. ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT

8  The longest period  The reptiles still rule  Giants Sauropod  Massive extinction (more than half of the animals and plants)=asteroid Ouranosaurus Mosasaurus 3 CRETASEOUS PERIOD

9  The beginning  Warm temperature  No polar ice  Sea levels were high  At the end  Several climate changes  Volcanic eruption  Sea levels were lower ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT

10 Triassic period Jurassic period Cretaceous period laurasia Gondwana PANGEAPANGEA



13 Bibilografy  Jesuit University. Geological Time. oic.html. April 28, 2005  Col, Jeananda. Zoomdinosaurs. ozoic/cretaceous/.1996  Col, Jeananda. Zoomdinosaurs. ozoic/triassic/.1996  Col, Jeananda. Zoomdinosaurs. ozoic/jurassic/.1996   01/08/2011

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