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Malaysia- Geographical Location Located between 2 and 7 degrees north of the Equator Physical Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Malaysia- Geographical Location Located between 2 and 7 degrees north of the Equator Physical Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Malaysia- Geographical Location Located between 2 and 7 degrees north of the Equator Physical Geography

2 Climate

3 a sprawling, relaxed town beautiful sunsets over the offshore islands

4 Temperature Equatorial humid climate, Tropical maritime climate sunny and hot all year round Temperatures range from 21 ℃ to 32 ℃ Low seasonality

5 Temperature variation throughout the year is small. Sunny blue skies typify most days.

6 Rainfall annual rainfall 2000 mm - 2500 mm High relatively humidity typically over 80% throughout the year

7 scattered unpredictable rains advisable to always bring an umbrella in case it rains

8 "Land Below the Wind" " 風下之鄉 " setting the State free from climatic disturbances

9 Landform

10 -Mount Kinabalu In the eastern malaysia on the isaland Borneo

11 Mt. Kinabalu is one of the youngest non- volcanic mountains in the world 4 th tallest mountain in the Malaysia 4,095 metres above the sea level Grows in speed by 0.5 cm every year the most unique mountain in the world Mt.Kinabalu

12 Between the Eurasian plate and the Indo-Australian plate Fold mountain Volcano but not active

13 Poring Hot Spring Steaming water is an excellent tonic for tired limbs Mt.Kinabalu

14 Vegetation zonation on a mountain Mt.Kinabalu

15 factors affecting the temperature: 1) Amount of sunlight (e.g. In the morning, the temperature drops to 0 ℃ ) 2) Environmental lapse rate( 環境遞減率 ) : 1000m↑  6 ℃ ↓ Mt.Kinabalu

16 Pulau Gaya

17 The largest island in Kota Kinabalu

18 Kinabalu National Park Malaysia's first World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO in December 2000 ‧ Habitat of animal species

19 Tropical rainforest

20 Forest in tropical regions A biome ( 生物群 ) found in equatorial region (10 °N -10 ° S) High biodiversity( 生物多樣性 )

21 Often 5 layers in structure Emergent layer ( 樹冠層 ) Canopy layer ( 露生層 ) Young trees/understory ( 幼樹層 ) Shrubs ( 灌木層 ) Undergrowth /forest floor( 地面層 ) Layers

22 Trees

23 Living organism characteristics Great species diversity Dense forest Trees: tall, large and evergreen with buttress root

24 Barks: thin, smooth Leaves: broad, smooth, shinny with drip-tip Living organism characteristics

25 Rafflesia ( 食人花 / 屍花 ) The largest flower in the World Takes up to 15 months to bud Only lasts 7 days once it blooms it smells of rotting flesh

26 Soil characteristics infertile Nutrients – mostly stored in plants Acidic soil Brown and red in color

27 Klias River Cruise

28 Klias wetland Located 110km south of Kota Kinabalu a Mangrove Forest Reserve rich with river side wildlife and birds

29 QUESTION: Do you know what is it?

30 ANSWER: Proboscis Monkey ( 長鼻猴 )

31 Proboscis Monkey( 長鼻猴 ) Display of fireflies crocodiles, lizards, tree snakes, eagle Organisms in Klias River ‧ Long Tail Macaque monkeys ‧ Silver Langur monkeys

32 The End

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