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Präsidialdepartement 1 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed.

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1 Präsidialdepartement 1 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Local Action Plan Zurich - Draft Optimising existing regional cooperation Building up metropolitan cooperation Martin Harris, City of Zurich Workshop CityRegion.Net Trikala, 19 March 2010

2 Präsidialdepartement 2 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Overall aim Realising the complexity of babushka existing networks work  on different levels  in mutual interdependence Cooperative discussion on cooperation the fact of voluntary cooperation between City of Zurich and municipalities on cooperation-study is already a success New forms of cooperation, based on the existing Swiss federalism Direct cooperation between 8 cantons and 100 cities/municipalities within the Zurich Metropolitan Space Association since July 2009. Elaboration of concrete projects towards a more efficient use of space.

3 Präsidialdepartement 3 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Specific objectives  Analysing, how the City of Zurich cooperates with its hinterland: how does the network work?  Discussing where cooperation makes sense and where not?  Searching for conclusions and recommendations on metropolitan and regional level  Building-up of common functional spaces such as identity, mobility, quality of life, education and economy

4 Präsidialdepartement 4 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Target groups (stakeholders) Regional  Core City Zurich  Cities and Municipalities of agglomeration  Groups of Cities and Municipalities (in districts, subregions as Glow)  Canton of Zurich Metropolitan  8 Cantons  Cities and Municipalities  Groups of Municipalities (stronger position of groups)

5 Präsidialdepartement 5 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Planned activities (partly already working) Regional  List of possible services of the City of Zurich for surrounding cities and municipalities  Installation of thematic plattforms (first one: events)  Discussions of City Council with groups of municipalities (district level)  Conventions and treaties Metropolitan  Concrete projects in the fields of transportation, living space, economic innovation and society/identity  Improving of federal coopeation, joint lobbying at the federal level, joint promotion at the national and international level

6 Präsidialdepartement 6 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Financing of project Regional  financing case by case by budget of cities and municipalities (as for the study)  principle: autonomy of municipalities and voluntariness  no enforcement, cooperation of the willings Metropolitan  Voluntary membership  Association budget from the members  Project budget from the cantons, cities and larger municipalities

7 Präsidialdepartement 7 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Organisation of project Regional  organisation by themes (projects)  optimising of existing and established structures  no new structures, if already existing and established structures Metropolitan  Association  Working groups per action (2 projects per action)  Project teams per project

8 Präsidialdepartement 8 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Innovative character  Optimisation und higher efficiency of cooperation without a general reform of the federalistic structures of agglomeration and metropolitan region of Zurich Regional  Fact, that core city and hinterland discuss together voluntarily to learn more about their cooperation  Voluntary co-financing of study on cooperation Metropolitan  Direct and multi-level governance  Voluntary cooperation between cantons, cities and municipalities; veto rights  Voting rights according to the number of inhabitants (first 2000 inhabitants = 1 vote, next 4000 inhabitants = 2 votes, etc.)

9 Präsidialdepartement 9 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Summary I (lessons learnt) Generally  Everything takes its time  Take existing cooperation and make it better  Do not look for structures without having a content  Looking for pragmatic solutions of concrete problems  Certain fear and psychological distance of municipalities against the core city and against the cantons Metropolitan  National lobbying and international promotion becomes more important  Strong willingness to reform Swiss federalism without destroying it

10 Präsidialdepartement 10 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Summary II (lessons learnt) Regional  Existing cooperation not very intense, but where existing very good and of a high mutual benefit  Wish for cooperation only if high return (more efficiency and quality)  Principles of cooperation: voluntariness and autonomy of municipalities  No new institutions or structures, if not absolutely necessary  Existing structures generally sufficient, but can be optimized  Intense competition between cities and municipalities on different levels (attractivity for families, taxes, efficient public services, jobs..) forces to optimizing own services and cooperation  Looking for pragmatic solutions of concrete problems

11 Präsidialdepartement 11 Martin Harris, 19 March 2009, Workshop CRN Trikala „The role of cities in integrated regional development“ Project is co- financed by the EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund Thank you for your interest Martin Harris, project manager foreign affairs Zurich

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