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Wishnu Prasetya WLP for Automated Testing.

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1 Wishnu Prasetya WLP for Automated Testing

2 Testing problem Give test-cases that would cover all 4 paths in the above program. Observation: any input satisfying the wlp of a post- condition Q, specifies a test-case leading a terminal state satisfying Q. Idea : use Q to specify the target path. 2 tax(rate, income | tax) { if (income  10000) tax := 0 ; if (income  20000) tax := income / rate.low ; tax := tax + income / rate.high ; }

3 Wedge A wedge is a finite path of primitive (non-composite) statements in the program, from the program’s start, where we replace guard conditions with the corresponding assert. The concept is from Tomb & Flanagan, Detecting Inconsistencies via Universal Reachability Analysis, ISSTA, 2012. They use assume. For our purpose, we need to turn them to assert. We can use wedges to re-express coverage problem (e.g. cover this spot, or cover this path). Then we can calculate the wlp of each wedge. 3

4 Wedge & coverage a wedge covering assert income  10000 ; tax := 0 ; assert income  20000 ; a wedge covering without passing (unfeasible) assert income  10000 ; tax := 0 ; assert income > 20000 ; 4 tax(rate, income | tax) { if (income  10000) tax := 0 ; if (income  20000) tax := income / rate.low ; tax := tax + income / rate.high ; } cover this

5 wlp of a wedge Let p be a target path to cover in the CFG of Pr(x). Let w(x) be a wedge such that any execution of w is also an execution of Pr that covers p. Calculate p = wlp w true. Check the satisfiability of p; a witness to that is basically an instance of input x for Pr that would cover p. 5

6 Covering by solving wlp if (x>9) { x := x+y ; if (x+y  0) { y := 0 ; if (x  8) { cover-this... } a wedge to cover assert x>9 ; x := x+y ; assert x+y < 0 ; y := 0 ; assert x  8 wlp : x>9 /\ x+2y  0 /\ x+y  8 6

7 Concolic approach Problems: A long wedge has more constraints; the wlp may be difficult for your theorem prover to solve. What to do with loops? Combined concrete and symbolic calculation to incrementally solve the wedge. Imagine the wedge : w(x,y) = assert p 1 ; x:=x+y; assert p 2 ; y:=0; assert p 3 wlp : p = p 1 /\ p 2 [x+y/x] /\ p 3 [0/y][x+y/x] 7

8 Concolic approach wlp : p = p 1 /\ p 2 [x+y/x] /\ p 3 [0/y][x+y/x] Execute w, e.g. w(0,9). Suppose this manages to pass the guards p 1 and p 2 but fails on p 3. Try to solve p[0/x] or p[9/y] instead. This at least simplifies the formula to solve. Not necessarily leads to a solution. 8

9 Wedge “passing” a loop Consider : while g do S ; if h then { cover this }... A wedge to cover has to do some iterations of S. How many iterations ? Arbitrarily choosing k iterations may produce a wedge that is infeasible. Concolic: run a concrete execution; suppose it iterates n times, but fails to pass h at least we know that iterating n times is feasible construct a wedge with n unfolding and solve it if unfeasible try a different concrete run 9

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