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Armaflex Solutions High Temperature and Solar Installations.

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Presentation on theme: "Armaflex Solutions High Temperature and Solar Installations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Armaflex Solutions High Temperature and Solar Installations

2 High Temperature, Solar installations 2 limit heat losses (energy saving) protect from hot surfaces protect from weather conditions Insulation main target:

3 In high temperature applications Armacell EPDM materials can be used as insulation 3 The target is to limit heat losses Insulation with low heat conductivity factor λ are required. High temperature resistant material is required For outdoor installation UV protection is a must Why ?

4 Heat Losses 4

5 Thermal conductivity λ 5 Thermal conductivity is a material property representing the ability of the material to conduct heat. The thermal conductivity is the heat in joules which, per unit of time, flows through 1 m² of a 1 m thick flat layer of a substance (heat flow density) when the temperature difference is 1 K. λ [W/mK]

6 Some examples of thermal conductivity values 6 [W/(m  K)] 0,024air 0,036Armaflex 0,20wood 0,40plastic 0,55water 0,84concrete [W/(m  K)] 0,036 Armaflex 50steel 200aluminium 380copper Thermal conductivity is a material parameter, it does not depend on thickness or volume.

7 Heat loss from a pipe k l [W/mK] 7 The lower λ the lower heat losses λ

8 Heat loss from a pipe 8 The bigger insulation thickness The lower heat losses

9 9 High Temperature and Solar Applications

10 High Temperature and Solar 10 1. EPDM insulation products: HT/Armaflex HT/Armaflex S 2. Preinsulated products: Armaflex Solar Armaflex DuoSolar Armaflex DuoSolar 220 Products for High Temperature and Solar

11 11 High Temperature and Solar Applications Armaflex DuoSola r Armaflex HT Armaflex HT S

12 12 Thank you

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