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Jabberd Quick Installation Guide. The jabberd server is the original open-source server implementation of the Jabber protocol, and is the most popular.

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Presentation on theme: "Jabberd Quick Installation Guide. The jabberd server is the original open-source server implementation of the Jabber protocol, and is the most popular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jabberd Quick Installation Guide

2 The jabberd server is the original open-source server implementation of the Jabber protocol, and is the most popular software for deploying Jabber either inside a company or as a public IM service. Save the file jabberd-1.4.2.tar.gz to /tmp/ (or to a directory of your choice). Open a console window and create the directory as /path/to/jabber/ as follows [root@im root]#mkdir /path/ [root@im root]#mkdir /path/to/ [root@im root]#mkdir /path/to/jabber/ Type mv /tmp/jabberd-1.4.2.tar.gz /path/to/jabber/ Type cd /path/to/jabber/ Type gzip -d jabberd-1.4.2.tar.gz

3 Type tar -xvf jabberd-1.4.2.tar (this creates a jabberd- 1.4.2/ directory containing various files and subdirectories) Type cd jabber-1.4.2/ Type./configure Type make Open another console and type cd /path/to/jabber/jabber-1.4.2/ Type ls -l jabberd/jabberd to view the permissions on the Jabber daemon. The output on your console should look something like this: -rwxr-xr-x 1 user group 675892 Feb 25 2004 jabberd/jabberd

4 Type./jabberd/jabberd to start the Jabber daemon. This will run the server using the default hostname of localhost. You should see one line of output in your console window: 20020923T02:50:26: [notice] (-internal): initializing server. Open a separate console window on the same machine and type telnet localhost 5222 to connect to your server (yes, you can connect using simple old telnet!). You should see the following: Trying to your-machine- name.Escape character is '^]'.

5 Now open an XML stream to your server by pasting the full text of the following XML snippet into your telnet window: You should immediately receive a reply from your server: Congratulations! Your Jabber server is working.

6 Close the stream properly by pasting the following XML snippet into your telnet window: Stop the server by killing the process or simply typing ^C in the window where you started the server deamon.

7 Configuring the Hostname You change the configuration of jabberd by editing a file named jabber.xml, which is located in your /path/to/jabber/jabber-1.4.2 directory. The jabber.xml file contains a great deal of comments that help you understand what each configuration option does. However, right now all that we need to change is the hostname. So open jabber.xml in your favorite text editor (vi, emacs, etc.) and edit the line that reads as follows: localhost You now need to give Jabber server's ip address or hostname here. Ex. or

8 Note: Make sure to create a folder and name it as the name you put in the above line that is or in /path/to/jabber/jabber-1.4.2/spool/ Ex: [root@im root]#mkdir /path/to/jabber/jabber- 1.4.2/spool/ or [root@im root]#mkdir /path/to/jabber/jabber- 1.4.2/spool/

9 Now you need to configure your server to bind to a specific IP address. First, in the section of your jabber.xml file, change to yourIPaddress. Second, in the dialback section of your jabber.xml file, change to yourIPaddress. Ex: Now jabber.xml and type in console again./jabberd/jabberd to start the Jabber daemon previously you have killed.

10 Install windows jabber client exodus version: in your win PC in the same lan segment that the jabber server runs. You can specify the jabber server name by typing server name or ip address in the Server drop down menu. Type your user name and password (any username and password you like) and click “ok”


12 Then it ask to create a new user since it was not previously in the jabber server. Click “yes” and proceed. You need to add another user like this and add contact between the other user and start messaging. Following screenshots show how to add a new contact.


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