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Reality Check: Hispanic-Serving Institutions on the Texas Border Strategizing Financial Aid SFARN Philadelphia, PA Deborah A. Santiago Excelencia in Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Reality Check: Hispanic-Serving Institutions on the Texas Border Strategizing Financial Aid SFARN Philadelphia, PA Deborah A. Santiago Excelencia in Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reality Check: Hispanic-Serving Institutions on the Texas Border Strategizing Financial Aid SFARN Philadelphia, PA Deborah A. Santiago Excelencia in Education June 3, 2011

2 Reality Check Exploratory research with 8 institutions along TX- Mexico border (4 community colleges & 4 public universities) Case study approach Site visits, interviews, focus groups, data review Raised research questions for more rigorous analysis with Latino lens

3 Why look at Latinos at HSIs and financial aid strategies? HSIs enroll a critical mass of Latinos Latinos in higher education are increasingly nontraditional and representation is growing Look beyond enrollment to completion and what institutions are doing to address this Financial aid is critical for higher education access and a potential tool for institutions to increase retention follow up on acceleration plans

4 Why look at Latinos at 8 HSIs along the TX-Mexico border? Very impoverished service areas Very high Latino student concentration Nationally ranked in enrolling and graduating Latinos, but rarely focus of study for what doing well Very overlooked nationally Already serving nontraditional population with need using limited resources

5 Questions What are institutions with high concentrated enrollment of low-income and Latinos doing to improve college completion? Are there financial aid resources, beyond Pell grants and direct loans, that can be used to increase Latino student retention?

6 Findings General aversion to borrowing while costs increasing more students work while enrolled (limits persistence and completion rates) Federal financial aid critical (most participation) Limited knowledge of financial aid options Institutions engaged and/ are using financial aid strategies to increase retention

7 Effective Aid Strategies at 8 HSIs 1.campus-based work-study programs 2.Guaranteed need-based scholarships 3.Early college high schools and dual enrollment 4.Emergency loans and installment/payment plans 5.Integration or coordination of outreach activities, program information, and student services 6.Improved student/customer service and staff training 7.Increased outreach

8 Campus-based work-study programs Policymaking: position issues and develop strategies based on more representative profile of Latino students

9 Link between work-study and retention Work and earn income while enrolled for resources to cover expenses beyond tuition and fees Keeps students on campus Added opportunity to be aware and use institutional services Potential for new or increased interaction with faculty, staff, and other students If linked with discipline, can inform academic experience Provides work experience in academic or community setting Stronger sense of belonging on campus

10 Examples of effective strategies Student Tech Services (El Paso Community College) Use student IT fees to hire students for hands-on support in technology needs Student Employment Initiative (University of Texas at Brownsville Hire students who enroll at least 15 hrs, 2.75 GPA, 12 credits at UTB

11 For more information please visit: To download “Reality Check” please visit: institutions-texas-border-strategizing-financial-aid

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