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T HE M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION March 10, 2011 presented by the Office of Educational Information Management.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION March 10, 2011 presented by the Office of Educational Information Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION March 10, 2011 presented by the Office of Educational Information Management

2 A GENDA Review of the purpose of the collection Important Updates Frequently Asked Questions and Scenarios Questions All we ask is that you don’t kill the messenger…


4 P URPOSE OF THE M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION To meet three State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) reporting requirements: Indicator (b)(1) Indicator (b)(2) Indicator (b)(3) To collect Instructional Personnel (IPAL) data

5 I NDICATOR (B)(1) C ONNECTING S TUDENTS AND T EACHERS,C OURSE I NFORMATION “the 12 elements described in section 6401(e) (2) (D) of the America COMPETES Act are included in the State’s Statewide longitudinal data system” Virginia is implementing Element 8 A teacher identifier system with the ability to match teachers to students. and Element 9 Student-level transcript information, including information on courses completed and grades earned. Due: September 30, 2011

6 I NDICATOR (B)(2) P ROVIDING T HE G ROWTH M EASURE TO T EACHERS “the State provides student growth data on their current students and the students they taught in the previous year to, at a minimum, teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in which the State administers assessments in those subjects in a manner that is timely and informs instructional programs.” Master schedule data will be used to provide teachers with growth data Due: September 30, 2011

7 I NDICATOR (B)(3) P ROVIDING T EACHER I MPACT D ATA “the State provides teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in which the State administers assessments in those subjects with reports of individual teacher impact on student achievement on those assessments.” Master schedule data will be used to provide teachers with impact data Not possible for several years

8 O PPORTUNITIES FOR S PECULATION Teacher of Record Student Grades Student Growth Teacher Impact Teacher Evaluation FOIA

9 T EACHER OF R ECORD Difficult to Define Collection provides for multiple teachers; only one is required The school division should consider: Which teachers need to see the data? How does your school division choose to use the data?

10 S TUDENT G RADES Required by the regulation “Student-level transcript information, including information on courses completed and grades earned” Not comparable Attempts in legislature at common grading scales have failed, and still wouldn’t work USED has not given any guidance on how these data are to be used DOE has no plans to report student grades, nor compare how divisions grade Grades will NOT be used to calculate student growth or to provide teacher impact information DOE does not recommend including student grades in teacher performance evaluation

11 S TUDENT G ROWTH How much learning has taken place between two or more points in time, regardless of achievement levels Final grades are NOT part of the student growth calculation, only SOL results Available for students who participate in SOL (not alternative) assessments Mathematics, grades 4-8 and Algebra I through grade 9 Reading, grades 4-8

12 T EACHER I MPACT Not due on 9/30/2011, so less defined Will consist of multiple years of student growth Annual and longitudinal reports Must wait until multiple years of data are available from the same assessments (Math and Reading assessments are changing) May be used as one of multiple measures of student growth in a performance evaluation – the decision to do so is local

13 T EACHER E VALUATION Draft revised Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria go to the Board of Education this month Recommend using multiple measures of data to track student growth Determining how to measure student progress for the teacher’s evaluation is a local decision The application of value-added statistical models is also a local decision

14 FOIA “All data that are not protected under current law are subject to the requirements of Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act.” DOE’s Policy Office804-225-2403


16 R EGIONAL P ROGRAMS This is a change! Data on students from regional programs will be reported by the responsible LEAs Regional programs (like the Governor’s School) will be responsible for reporting the course/teacher/student information back to each LEA they serve VDOE is building a tool to assist the regional programs with this task May be a desktop tool and not necessarily an SSWS tool

17 R EGIONAL P ROGRAM S CENARIO #1 This record is for a Physics I class taught by a licensed teacher at Appomattox Regional Governor’s School (Division Code: 267; School Code: 2204). C Record Section ID Serving Division ServingSchool SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequence Filler VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title Physics- GV-01 267220403151E1.01 4510Physics I D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag Physics- GV-01 2672204CPL777777777771111YN

18 R EGIONAL P ROGRAM S CENARIO #1 This record is for a Physics I class taught by a licensed teacher at Appomattox Regional Governor’s School (Division Code: 267; School Code: 2204). F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollment Flag Physics-GV- 01 11110122226781234567ANN

19 R EGIONAL P ROGRAM S CENARIO #2 This record is for an English 11 class taught by an non-licensed teacher (who is a college professor) at Southside Virginia Governor’s School (Division Code: 261; School Code: 1853). C Record Section ID Serving Division ServingSchool SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequence VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title English11- GV-01 261185301003E1.01 1150English 11 D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag English11- GV-01 26118532221NN

20 R EGIONAL P ROGRAM S CENARIO #2 This record is for an English 11 class taught by an non-licensed teacher (who is a college professor) at Southside Virginia Governor’s School (Division Code: 261; School Code: 1853). E Record Local Provider ID Provider Name Provider Description 222Jane Doe4 F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollment Flag English11- GV-01 22210122226781234567B+NN

21 R EGIONAL P ROGRAM S CENARIO #3 This record is for a Marine Science class taught at Chesapeake Bay Regional Governor’s School (Division Code: 269; School Code: 2203). The name of the teacher is unknown to the LEA. C Record Section ID Serving Division ServingSchool SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifie r SCED Course Level SCED Availabl e Credit SCED Sequenc e VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title MScience- GV-01 269220306440E1.01 4610Marine Science D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag MScience- GV-01 26922039871NN

22 R EGIONAL P ROGRAM S CENARIO #3 This record is for a Marine Science class taught at Chesapeake Bay Regional Governor’s School (Division Code: 269; School Code: 2203). The name of the teacher is unknown to the LEA. E Record Local Provider ID Provider Name Provider Description 987Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School 3 F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollment Flag MScience- GV-01 98710122226781234567ANN

23 D EFINED C LASS T YPE (F ORMERLY A UDIENCE C ODE ) “Who” is receiving the instruction in the classroom, not “what” is being taught Examples: 0112: Gifted Education 7865: Specific Learning Disabilities 7848: Hearing Impairment List of Defined Class Types will be available on the MSC web site and in the revised version of the data elements

24 T EACHER OF R ECORD D EFINITION The term Teacher of Record identifies the teacher who has overall responsibility for providing the student’s instruction in the required curriculum and assigning the student a grade in that subject.

25 P OLL RESULTS What should be the measure for student course enrollment reporting? A. 20 th Hour Rule  This is the winner B. Official Grade Continue to use the 20 th Hour Rule to decide which students you should report in the MSC

26 P OLL R ESULTS How should summer data be collected for the End of Year MSC? A. Summer, Fall, Spring B. Fall, Spring, Summer  This is the winner This is a change! Summer school data will now be reported on the EOY with the rest of the school year data Summer 2011 data will now be due by September 30, 2011

27 FAQ S

28 P RIVATE P ROVIDERS How should we report a CSA student? You would report the student’s school as a private provider using the E Record

29 P RIVATE P ROVIDERS S CENARIO Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag DS-00046008000567867805NN This record is for the Dooley School, a private school providing services for an autistic elementary school student from Skipwith Elementary School (0480) in Henrico County (043). C Record D Record Section ID Serving Division ServingSchool SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Grade Span SCED Sequence VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title DS- 0004 600800073034G04041 0004Dooley School Gr. 4

30 P RIVATE P ROVIDERS S CENARIO This record is for the Dooley School, a private school providing services for an autistic elementary school student from Skipwith Elementary School (0480) in Henrico County (043). Local Provider ID Provider Name Provider Description 5678Dooley School1 Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollment Flag DS-0004567810122226781234567GLPNN E Record F Record

31 IB/AP P ROGRAMS Would typical Honors level courses be assigned the same SCED course level as AP and IB courses? In the C Record, the IB/AP programs will not have a SCED Course Level Already indicated by the SCED Course Number In these cases, the SCED Course Level can be left blank or have an “X” for no specified course level

32 IB/AP P ROGRAMS S CENARIO This record is for an AP Chemistry class taught at Alta Vista High School (0200) in Campbell County (016). C Record Section ID Serving Division ServingSchool SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequenc e VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title 4470-020160200064681.01 4470AP Chemistry D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag 4470-02 0160200CPL44444444443331YN

33 IB/AP P ROGRAMS S CENARIO This record is for an AP Chemistry class taught at Alta Vista High School (0200) in Campbell County (016). F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollment Flag 4470-0233310122226781234567A-NN

34 R EPORTING M ORE THAN O NE T EACHER Do we need to report every student in a class with two F Records if there are two teachers for that class? You only need to report one F Record for each student when the D Records reflect that there is both a teacher and a collaborative teacher for the whole class Choose the Teacher of Record’s Local Provider ID to use in the students’ F Records This differs from a situation where a teacher only works with a few students in the class. Then, you need to have two F Records for each student

35 R EPORTING M ORE T HAN O NE T EACHER S CENARIO #1 This record is for Physical Science: Grade 8 class at Chilhowie Middle School (0851) in Smyth County (086). The class has a teacher and a collaborative teacher who works with the whole class. C Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Grade Span SCED Sequenc e VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title 4125-09086085153159G08081 4125Physical Science 8 D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag 4125-09 0860851CPL77777777775671YN 4125-09 0860851CPL00000000002342YN

36 R EPORTING M ORE T HAN O NE T EACHER S CENARIO #1 This record is for Physical Science: Grade 8 class at Chilhowie Middle School (0851) in Smyth County (086). The class has a teacher and a collaborative teacher who works with the whole class. F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollment Flag 4125-0956712345678909876543C+NN 4125-0956710122226781234567B-NN

37 R EPORTING M ORE T HAN O NE T EACHER S CENARIO #2 This record is for an English 7 class at C. Alton Lindsay Middle School (0450) in Hampton City (112). The class has a teacher of record and a collaborative teacher who works with five students in the class. C Record Section ID Serving Division ServingSchool SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Grade Span SCED Sequence VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title 1110-04112045051035G07071 1110English 7 D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag 1110-04 1120450CPL99999999997891YN 1110-04 1120450CPL000000000012327865YN

38 R EPORTING M ORE T HAN O NE T EACHER S CENARIO #2 This record is for an English 7 class at C. Alton Lindsay Middle School (0450) in Hampton City (112). The class has a teacher of record and a collaborative teacher who works with five students in the class. F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollment Flag 1110-04 789 12345678909876543B-NN 1110-04 789 10122226781234567CNN 1110-04 123 10122226781234567CNN

39 IPAL IN S TUDENT I NFORMATION S YSTEMS What is happening to IPAL? Hand entry for IPAL information will no longer be accepted; it must be submitted through the B and D Records in the MSC IPAL reports will still be available through SSWS As with all VDOE data collections, the LEAs have total control over how the data is stored within their school division

40 S UMMER S CHOOL C OURSES How should summer school courses be reported? Should we report remedial and enrichment courses? Any academic course must be reported Course credit courses Remedial courses Enrichment courses do not need to be reported

41 D UAL E NROLLMENT How should we report Dual Enrollment classes? Who is serving division and school? If you are contracted with the community college, report the information using your division and school codes Provide an E Record for the teacher (if they do not have a teacher’s license) or community college If the community college serves students that you are not paying tuition for, report using the Serving Division “999” and Serving School “9999”

42 D UAL E NROLLMENT S CENARIO #1 This student resides in Spotsylvania County (088) and attends Riverbend High School (0150). She takes Pre-Calculus as a Dual Enrollment course through Germanna Community College. C Record D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag Calculus1-CC 0880510 98765 1NN Section ID Serving Division ServingSchool SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequence VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title Calculus1 -CC 088051006404H1.001 DE3230Calculus I

43 D UAL E NROLLMENT S CENARIO #1 This student resides in Spotsylvania County (088) and attends Riverbend High School (0150). She takes Pre-Calculus as a Dual Enrollment course through Germanna Community College. E Record Local Provider ID Provider Name Provider Description 98765Germanna Community College 5 F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollme nt Flag Calculus1-CC9876510122226781234590NY

44 D UAL E NROLLMENT S CENARIO #2 This record is for a Political Science class at Lord Fairfax Community College, where students attend dual enrollment classes. These students are paying tuition for the classes and receiving transfer credit from Millbrook High School (0584) in Frederick County (034). Section ID Serving Division ServingSchool SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequence VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title 2451-01999999904153H1.001 2451Political Science C Record D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag 2451-01 99999993451NN

45 D UAL E NROLLMENT S CENARIO #2 This record is for a Political Science class at Lord Fairfax Community College, where students attend dual enrollment classes. These students are paying tuition for the classes and receiving transfer credit from Millbrook High School (0584) in Frederick County (034). E Record Local Provider ID Provider Name Provider Description 345Lord Fairfax Community College 5 Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollme nt Flag 2451-0134510122226781234590NY F Record

46 R OLE C ODE IN THE D R ECORD What is the reasoning behind having the role code in the D Record? Why do we have to include administrators in the D Record? Since both IPAL and MSC use this record, all licensed personnel need to be reported in the D Record Some administrators or pupil personnel service provider may teach courses Examples Assistant Principal Guidance Counselor

47 R EPORTING SPED C OURSES How should we report the courses of special education students that do not fit into the SCED codes? Report the students based on what courses they are taking, not their disability Use the Defined Class Type to specify a special education classroom

48 S PECIAL E DUCATION S CENARIO #1 This record is for a special education classroom where intellectually disabled students receive all their education services at Westhaven Elementary School (0210) in Portsmouth City (121). C Record Section ID Serving Division ServingSchool SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Grade Span SCED Sequence VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title 0003V- 06 121021073033G03031 0003Grade 3 D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag 00003V- 06 1210210CPL222222222255517822YN

49 S PECIAL E DUCATION S CENARIO #1 This record is for a special education classroom where intellectually disabled students receive all their education services at Westhaven Elementary School (0210) in Portsmouth City (121). F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollme nt Flag 00003V-06555101222267812345GLPNN

50 S PECIAL E DUCATION S CENARIO #2 This record is for student enrolled in Biology I at Alleghany High School (0310) in Alleghany County (003). This student is taking courses to earn credits toward a Modified Standard Diploma. Section ID Serving Division Serving School SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequence VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title BioI-06003031003051G1.01 4310Biology I C Record D Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher LicenseNumber Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag BioI-06 0030310CPL111111111188817822YN

51 S PECIAL E DUCATION S CENARIO #2 This record is for student enrolled in Biology I at Alleghany High School (0310) in Alleghany County (003). This student is taking courses to earn credits toward a Modified Standard Diploma. F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollme nt Flag BioI-06888101222267812345CNN

52 C ONTACT I NFORMATION Master Schedule Collection web site: ction/master_schedule_collection/index.shtml Contact us by email: Contact us by phone: (804) 225-3909

53 VDOE C ONTACTS Teacher Licensure/Teacher Evaluation Patty Pitts804-371-2522 James Lanham804-371-2471 Instructional Personnel Brian Mason804-225-2823 Student Growth/Teacher Impact Deborah Jonas804-225-2067 General SFSF questions Veronica Tate804-225-2869

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