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Thread Synchronization Tutorial #8 CPSC 261. A thread is a virtual processor Each thread is provided the illusion that it owns a core – Copy of the registers.

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Presentation on theme: "Thread Synchronization Tutorial #8 CPSC 261. A thread is a virtual processor Each thread is provided the illusion that it owns a core – Copy of the registers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thread Synchronization Tutorial #8 CPSC 261

2 A thread is a virtual processor Each thread is provided the illusion that it owns a core – Copy of the registers – It is running all the time Programs involving threads tend to have to solve some synchronization problems

3 The problems The bounded buffer that we have talked about is an example of a “classic” synchronization problem Also known as the producer/consumer problem

4 Producer/Consumer ProducersConsumers send()receive() Bounded buffer

5 Producer/Consumer constraints Each message sent by a producer is received by exactly one consumer Each message received by a consumer was sent by a producer There are never more than N messages in the bounded buffer (the bound is N) Liveness – the system “makes progress”

6 Readers/Writers Resource ReadersWriters read()write()

7 Readers/Writers constraints There can be either k readers (k >= 1) or 1 writer using the resource at any instant in time

8 Variation #1 Reader priority – No reader waits any longer than absolutely necessary

9 Variation #2 Writer priority – No writer waits any longer than absolutely necessary

10 Variation #3 Fairness – The order in which threads first attempt to access the resource determines the order in which readers/writers get access to the resource – No thread will starve – eventually each thread will access the resource no matter what other threads exist or what they do

11 Sleeping Barber Barber Waiting Room Customers

12 Sleeping Barber constraints The barber cuts one customer’s hair at a time When the barber finishes cutting hair: – The first arriving customer moves to the barber chair and gets his hair cut – If there are no customers, the barber goes to sleep

13 Sleeping Barber constraints II Customers arrive at arbitrary times: – If the barber chair is empty the customer sits in the barber chair If the barber is sleeping, he wakes up and gets to work – If the barber chair is full, the customer sits in an empty chair in the waiting room – If there are no empty chairs the customer just leaves

14 Sleeping Barber constraints III Liveness Fairness

15 Dining Philosophers

16 Dining philosophers constraints Never-emptying plate of spaghetti on the table 5 forks on the table one between each pair of philosophers Each philosopher needs 2 forks to eat spaghetti – They will only use the forks on their immediate left and immediate right Each philosopher: – Think, eat, think, eat,... Philosophers don’t care about hygiene

17 Variation #1 The classical problem: Left then right – The philosopher first picks up the fork on his immediate left – Then picks up the fork on his immediate right – Then eats – Then puts down both forks (order doesn’t matter)

18 Variation #2 The resource ordering problem: There is a total order on forks (they are numbered 0 – 4) – The philosopher first picks up the fork with the lower number (among his left and right forks) – Then picks up the fork with the higher number – Then eats – Then puts down both forks (order doesn’t matter)

19 Variation #3 The random problem: – The philosopher first randomly picks up either his left fork or his right fork If it isn’t on the table, he gives up and starts over – Then picks up the other fork If it isn’t on the table, he gives up, puts down the first fork, and starts over – Then eats – Then puts down both forks (order doesn’t matter)

20 Your task Implement these 3 variations of the dining philosophers problem

21 Your tools Pthreads – 1 thread for each philosopher Pthreads Mutexes Pthreads condition variables Semaphores

22 Pthreads mutexes created as all other objects (malloc) initialized by pthread_mutex_init() acquired by pthread_mutex_lock() released by pthread_mutex_unlock()

23 Pthreads condition variables created as all other objects (malloc) initialized by pthread_cond_init() wait by pthread_cond_wait() – wait always occurs in a loop, checking the condition each time around signal by pthread_cond_signal()

24 Pthreads semaphores created as all other objects (malloc) initialized by sem_init() wait by sem_wait() post by sem_post()

25 Hints Think a little bit about data structures: – How are you going to represent each fork? – What thread synchronization constructs are you going to need? How are you going to convince yourself (and eventually me and the TAs) that your solution is correct? – Print trace messages about what is going on

26 A sample trace $./phil-ordered 1: got left fork 2: got left fork 2: got right fork 2: eat 2: put back right fork 2: put back left fork 3: got left fork 0: got left fork 2: got left fork 3: got right fork 3: eat 3: put back right fork 3: put back left fork...

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