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G53SEC 1 Coursework Specification. G53SEC Coursework Option 1: Spam Detection and Categorisation 2.

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Presentation on theme: "G53SEC 1 Coursework Specification. G53SEC Coursework Option 1: Spam Detection and Categorisation 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 G53SEC 1 Coursework Specification

2 G53SEC Coursework Option 1: Spam Detection and Categorisation 2

3 G53SEC Coursework Option 1: Spam Detection and Categorisation Spam One of the biggest problems for businesses Solutions exist but, 1.Poor performance 2.Need to be regularly maintained It is vital to educate the user! 3

4 G53SEC Coursework Option 1: Spam Detection and Categorisation What you will get: A dataset with a number of email messages ( Available from Monday 20/10) What you have to do: Analyse Categorise Classify Describe everything you have done in a report! 4

5 G53SEC Coursework Option 1: Spam Detection and Categorisation Coursework worth 20% of your final mark Marking scheme: Correct categorisation5% Correct classification5% Report10% 5

6 G53SEC Coursework Option 1: Spam Detection and Categorisation References: Software Security Lecture Ross Anderson’s “Security Engineering” SpamAssassin Google – not about unsolicited email but similarly annoying! 6

7 G53SEC Coursework Option 2: Network Protection using a Firewall Connectivity is vital for businesses Services need to be provided for: Customers Partners Numerous security “solutions” exist Firewall – One of oldest techniques Yet still the most widely used 7

8 G53SEC Coursework Option 2: Network Protection using a Firewall What you will get: A set of network components A set of requirements and restrictions What you have to do: Design a network topology Don’t violate restrictions Satisfy all requirements Describe everything you have done in a report! 8

9 G53SEC Coursework Option 2: Network Protection using a Firewall Firewall rules: Use the following form: 9 ActionProtocolSourceDestSrc.PortDest.Port AccepttcpNet.xNet.yAny22 DenyudpHost.MHost.N5500-77003128

10 G53SEC Coursework Option 2: Network Protection using a Firewall Coursework worth 20% of your final mark Marking scheme: Correct network topology5% Correct firewall deployment5% Correct firewall rules5% Report5% 10

11 G53SEC Coursework Option 2: Network Protection using a Firewall Resources: Network Security Lecture Lot of resources on the net (e.g. Wikipedia) 11

12 G53SEC End 12

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