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E.N.G.L.A.N.D. Elizabeth I leads the rise of Chapter 1: Westward the Course.

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Presentation on theme: "E.N.G.L.A.N.D. Elizabeth I leads the rise of Chapter 1: Westward the Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 E.N.G.L.A.N.D. Elizabeth I leads the rise of Chapter 1: Westward the Course

2 Elizabeth supports exploration E.E.  Queen Elizabeth I threw her support behind expedition and colonization attempts by Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake, and Sir Hugh Willoughby Chapter 1: Westward the Course

3 New Roanoke colony fails N.N.  In 1587, Sir Walter Raleigh established an English colony at Roanoke Island in present day North Carolina  The settlement began with 117 men, women, and children  When a supply ship returned in 1591, no survivors were found  Roanoke Island is known as the “lost colony” Chapter 1: Westward the Course

4 Golden Hind harasses Spanish ships G.G.  The Golden Hind was Sir Francis Drake’s command ship  Commissioned by Elizabeth I, Drake spent years harassing Spanish gold ships and ports in the Caribbean Sea  In England, Drake’s was famously called the “Queen’s Pirate”  Spain considered Drake a lowly pirate and Phillip II actually offered a huge reward for his death or capture Chapter 1: Westward the Course

5 Lands claimed in N. America L.L. Chapter 1: Westward the Course  Sir Walter Raleigh was an English explorer and friend of Queen Elizabeth I  While exploring the eastern coast of North America, Raleigh named the area “Virginia”  The name “Virginia” was to honor the virgin Queen of England, Elizabeth I

6 Armada defeated A.A.  Phillip II of Spain (former husband of Queen Mary, half-sister to Elizabeth I) wanted to bring England back to the Catholic Church  Phillip was also angered by English pirating of Spanish ships led by Sir Francis Drake  In 1588, Phillip sent the Spanish Armada (130 ships) against England Chapter 1: Westward the Course

7 Navy commands the seas N.N. Chapter 1: Westward the Course  After defeat of the Spanish Armada, England enjoyed almost complete command of the seas  This was a key event in England’s growing worldwide colonial and trade dominance

8 Drake’s circumnavigation D.D.  Sir Francis Drake resolved to match Magellan’s feat by circumnavigating the world  He set sail in 1577 and returned to England in 1580  Along the way, Drake pirated Spanish ships and burned and looted Spanish settlements  It is believed Drake landed 30 miles northwest of San Francisco Chapter 1: Westward the Course

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