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ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concepts for Essential Principal: The Earth has a thin atmosphere that sustains life. Breakout session: 7a Recorder:

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Presentation on theme: "ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concepts for Essential Principal: The Earth has a thin atmosphere that sustains life. Breakout session: 7a Recorder:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concepts for Essential Principal: The Earth has a thin atmosphere that sustains life. Breakout session: 7a Recorder: Kristin Conrad Reporter: Sarah Wise

2 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #1 ► The atmosphere is a mixture of solids, liquids and gases, including oxygen (21%), Nitrogen (78%), and trace gases including carbon dioxide (.02%). Some trace gases have disproportionate effects on the physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere. For example, greenhouse gases, CO2, O3, methane, and H2O vapor.

3 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #2 ► ► The atmosphere has mass and is bound to Earth by gravity

4 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #3 ► ► The atmosphere is thin relative to Earth’s radius.   …also relative to other planets ► ► Atmos. Has (5) layers, each comprised mainly of gases and particles. Some gases come from geological processes, some from sunlight-driven chemical reactions, and some from living things. ► ► Layers differ by composition, density and temperature, with the lowest 10km (the Troposphere) containing most weather ► ► Horizontal structure was discussed as better incorporated into the “Transport” EP

5 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Fundamental Concept #4 ► Atmospheric composition is greatly affected by byproducts of life such as, oxygen produced by photosynthesis ► Life is continually shaped by, and is dependent upon, the atmosphere. For example, living things use atmospheric gases for respiration. ► The atmosphere protects living things from harmful solar rays & space debris. ► The origin of life was enabled by early atmos. Composition.

6 ASCL Workshop— Boulder, CO Concluding Remarks ► Group chose to leave discussions of variation in space and time (previous FC #4) to other EP

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