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WEEK# 3 Haifa Abulaiha August 31, 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK# 3 Haifa Abulaiha August 31, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK# 3 Haifa Abulaiha August 31, 2015 1

2 OBJECTIVES COVERED Use statistical functions Use cell references Write formulas Apply conditional formatting Use the IF function Use AND/OR criteria Use nested IF functions Use the RANK function Use the VLOOKUP function Use the FV function 2


4 DOWNLOAD AND OPEN DATA Download data file onto your computer. Extract the zip data files to convenient location. You will have the following file: –Mining.xslx Open Mining.xslx in Microsoft Excel. 4

5 USE STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS/ CELL REFERENCES References: –Relative. Example: B20 (Column and Row change when copied) –Absolute. Example: $A$5 (Column and Row do not change when copied) –Mixed. Example: $E20 (Column does not change when copied) D$7 (Row does not change when copied) 5


7 USE STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS/ CELL REFERENCES On Coal Mined sheet: –Enter the minimum value C60: =MIN(C4:C58) –Enter the maximum value C61: =MAX($C$4:$C$58) Modify the formula to display the correct maximum value for D61 through I61 (fully absolute references). –Enter the average value formula. C62: =AVERAGE(C$4:C$58) –Enter the median value formula. C63: =MEDIAN($C4:$C58) Modify the formula so it displays the correct median value for D63 through I63. (column-absolute mixed references). 7

8 USE STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS/ CELL REFERENCES On Employment sheet: –Enter the sum total formula. C59: =SUM(C4:C58) AutoFill the formula from cell C59 through I59. –Calculate the average employment in each county using the SUM() and COUNT() functions. J4: =SUM(C4:I4)/COUNT(C4:I4) 8

9 WRITE FORMULAS Order of Operations. –Parentheses. –Multiplications / Divisions –Additions / Subtractions. 9

10 WRITE FORMULAS Structured References: –TableName[ColumnName] –TableName[[#Totals],[ColumnName]] 10

11 WRITE FORMULAS On the Coal Mined sheet: –In column J, calculate the percentage of coal mined in each county in 2010: 11

12 WRITE FORMULAS On the Coal per Employee sheet: –In column C, calculate for each year and county the tons of coal mined per employee. Reference the values on the Coal Mined and Employment sheets in your formula. –AutoFill the tons of coal mined per employee formula from column C through I. –In columns C through I, delete the contents of any cell displaying a divide-by-zero error (#DIV/0). 12

13 WRITE FORMULAS On the Forecasts sheet: In column I, calculate the forecasted amount of coal mined in each region 13

14 APPLY CONDITIONAL FORMATTING On the Coal per Employee sheet: –in cells C4 through I58. If at least 7,000 (≥ 7000) tons of coal were mined per employee, change the cell fill color to green and the text color to white. If less than 3,000 (< 3000) tons of coal were mined per employee, change the cell fill color to red and the text color to white 14

15 USE THE IF FUNCTION The IF Function: –IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false]) –Example: IF( A$2>=600, “Pass”, “Fail”) IF(A$2>B$2, C$2=A$2,C$2=B$2) Test False True 15

16 USE THE IF FUNCTION On the Coal Mined sheet: –Use a formula to determine which counties produced coal during 2010. K4: =IF(I4>0,"Yes","No") 16

17 USE AND/OR CRITERIA On the Coal Mined sheet: –Use a formula to determine which counties produced coal at any time between 1950 and 2010. L4: =IF(OR(C4>0,D4>0,E4>0,F4>0,G4>0,H4>0,I4>0),"Yes","No") 17

18 USE NESTED IF FUNCTIONS IF( condition1, value_if_true1, IF( condition2, value_if_true2, value_if_false2 ) ) 18

19 USE NESTED IF FUNCTIONS On the Coal per Employee sheet: –Use a formula to determine if a county’s mines were: Highly efficient (at least 15,000 tons per employee), Average (5,000-14,999 tons per employee), or Inefficient (0-4,999 tons per employee). J4: =IF(I4>=15000,"High",IF(I4>=5000,"Average","Inefficient") ) –We want to modify the formula so no text is displayed if the 2010 value is blank. J4: =IF(I4<>"",IF(I4>=15000,"High",IF(I4>=5000,"Average","Ine fficient")),"") 19

20 USE THE RANK FUNCTION The RANK Function: –RANK (number, ref, Order) B2 0, non: Des 1: Asc $B$2:$B$20 Excel 2010: RANK() == RANK.EQ() 20

21 USE THE RANK FUNCTION On the Employment sheet: –Rank the counties by average number of employees: K4: =RANK(I4,$I$4:$I$58) HINT: The older RANK() function is equivalent to the newer RANK.EQ() function. Cell K59 is to remain empty. 21

22 USE THE VLOOKUP FUNCTION VLOOKUP( value, table, index_number, [not_exact_match] ) –If index_number <1, will return #VALUE!. –If index_number is greater than the number of columns in table, will return #REF!. –If not_exact_match = FALSE and no exact match is found, will return #N/A. 22

23 USE THE VLOOKUP FUNCTION On the: Employment sheet: –Retrieve the matching efficiency information from the Coal per Employee Sheet. L4: =VLOOKUP(A4,'Coal per Employee'!$A$4:$J$58,10) 23

24 USE THE FV FUNCTION FV Function ( Future Value): –Returns the future value of an investment. –FV( interest_rate, number_payments, payment, [PV], [Type] ) 24

25 USE THE FV FUNCTION On the Coal Mined sheet: –Use the FV() function to adjust the $4.86/ton value of coal in 1950 to 2010 assuming 3.739% inflation for 60 years, then multiply this value by the tons of coal mined to get its 2010 value. M4: =C4*FV(0.03739,60,0,-4.86) 25

26 USE THE FV FUNCTION On the Coal Mined sheet: No adjustment is necessary for inflation for the 2010 values. –N4: =I4*60.88 26

27 DO NOT FORGET MyITLab lesson A is due on Monday September 08 @ 11:59pm Homework 1 is due on Friday September 11 @ 11:59pm Instructions and Data files are available on: ments/ 27


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