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Fall Final. Bell RingerWednesday How did the printing press change the world?

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Presentation on theme: "Fall Final. Bell RingerWednesday How did the printing press change the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall Final

2 Bell RingerWednesday How did the printing press change the world?

3 1. In your groups, complete the assigned section of your study guide. 2. When you finish, please have your work checked. 3. Move onto another section. Study Guide

4 Bell RingerThursday Directions: On your back, you were given a person’s name relating to the American Revolution. As Yes or No questions only to determine who you are.

5 Review Study Guide Have 1 person write your groups answers to the study guide on the windows. Complete the study guide in class. Once you have finished, sit with 1 other person and quiz each other.

6 Bell RingerFriday How did the Columbian Exchange lead to interdependence between Europe and America?

7 Runner Review 1 person in group must write all answers Do NOT ask what # another group is on Do NOT tell answers No RUNNING! Line up when checking answers. What group can get the farthest today?

8 Bell Ringer Monday What problems did the settlers in Jamestown experience?

9 Station 1 Group 2 1. Northwest Passage 2. Roanoke 3. Stamp Act 4. Paul Revere (no words) 5. Patriot 6. Federalist 7. Separation of powers 8. Republic 9. Federalism 10. Columbian Exchange Directions:  Divide your group in half. Take turns drawing the suggested events. The other group has to guess the event. Each group has 1 minute. Then swap. Pictures ONLY!

10 Station 1 Group 1 1. Bering Land Bridge 2. Middle Passage 3. Jamestown 4. Boston Massacre 5. Washington Crossing the Delaware 6. Loyalist 7. Anti-Federalist 8. Charles Cornwallis 9. Direct Democracy 10. Shay’s Rebellion Directions:  Divide your group in half. Take turns drawing the suggested events. The other group has to guess the event. Each group has 1 minute. Then swap.  Pictures ONLY!

11 Station 2 Divide your plate into 6 ths. With a partner define each of these important government documents. 1. Magna Carta 2. Mayflower Compact 3. Declaration of Independence 4. Articles of Confederation 5. Constitution 6. Bill of Rights

12 Fall Final Tuesday Name and Form Level 0  Lunch Detention  Restart Test Barrier Cover Sheet Double check work!

13 Bell RingerWednesday What was your favorite thing to learn this semester?

14 Retake Wednesday Erase incorrect and try again Use book, notes, or study guide

15 Bell Ringer Thursday Write 3 things you enjoy about this class. Write 3 things you would like to change about the class.


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