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Looking Good in Print Linda Rhodes Virginia Conference Director of Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "Looking Good in Print Linda Rhodes Virginia Conference Director of Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Looking Good in Print Linda Rhodes Virginia Conference Director of Communications

2 Print what?

3 Newsletters Worship bulletins Brochures Advertising Direct Mail Flyers

4 Why do it?

5 Develop Mission Statement Mission Statement Goals and objectives Target audiences

6 Key elements: 1.Content 2.Appearance 3.Production 4.Distribution

7 1. Content:

8 a. Hard news

9 1. Content: a. Hard news b. Features

10 1. Content: a. Hard news b. Features c. Editorial/Opinions

11 1. Content: a. Hard news b. Features c. Editorial/Opinions d. Columns

12 1. Content: a. Hard news b. Features c. Editorial/Opinions d. Columns e. Events/Calendar

13 1. Content: a. Hard news b. Features c. Editorial/Opinions d. Columns e. Events/Calendar f. Fillers

14 Writing Style:

15 1.Conversational

16 Writing Style: 1.Conversational 2.Simple, direct sentences

17 Writing Style: 1.Conversational 2.Simple, direct sentences 3.5 Ws + H

18 Writing Style: 1.Conversational 2.Simple, direct sentences 3.5 Ws + H 4.Active voice

19 Writing Style: 1.Conversational 2.Simple, direct sentences 3.5 Ws + H 4.Active voice 5.Inverted pyramid

20 Writing Style: 1.Conversational 2.Simple, direct sentences 3.5 Ws + H 4.Active voice 5.Inverted pyramid 6.Uniform style

21 Writing Style: 1.Conversational 2.Simple, direct sentences 3.5 Ws + H 4.Active voice 5.Inverted pyramid 6.Uniform style 7.Define acronyms

22 Writing Style: 1.Conversational 2.Simple, direct sentences 3.5 Ws + H 4.Active voice 5.Inverted pyramid 6.Uniform style 7.Define acronyms 8.Inclusive language

23 2. Appearance:

24 a. Page size

25 2. Appearance: a. Page size b. Number of pages

26 2. Appearance: a. Page size b. Number of pages c. Paper

27 2. Appearance: a. Page size b. Number of pages c. Paper d. Name/Flag

28 2. Appearance: a. Page size b. Number of pages c. Paper d. Name/Flag e. Regular items

29 2. Appearance: a. Page size b. Number of pages c. Paper d. Name/Flag e. Regular items f. Folios

30 2. Appearance: a. Page size b. Number of pages c. Paper d. Name/Flag e. Regular items f. Folios g. Table of contents

31 2. Appearance: a. Page size b. Number of pages c. Paper d. Name/Flag e. Regular items f. Folios g. Table of contents h. Typeface

32 Objective is to make it easy to read. Help direct the reader

33 Principles of Layout/Design:

34 1.Contrast

35 Principles of Layout/Design: 1.Contrast 2.Repetition

36 Principles of Layout/Design: 1.Contrast 2.Repetition 3.Alignment

37 Principles of Layout/Design: 1.Contrast 2.Repetition 3.Alignment 4.Proximity

38 Layout:

39 Layout: 1.Simple, not boring

40 Layout: 2.Same thing in same place

41 Layout: 1.Simple, not boring 2.Same thing in same place 3.Column width

42 Layout: 1.Simple, not boring 2.Same thing in same place 3.Column width 4.Type faces

43 Layout: 1.Simple, not boring 2.Same thing in same place 3.Column width 4.Type faces 5.Photos/art

44 Layout: 1.Simple, not boring 2.Same thing in same place 3.Column width 4.Type faces 5.Photos/art 6.Contrast

45 Layout: 1.Simple, not boring 2.Same thing in same place 3.Column width 4.Type faces 5.Photos/art 6.Contrast 7.Consistency

46 Newsletter No-No’s 1.Never underline typeset text


48 Newsletter No-No’s 3.Don’t put two spaces after a period.

49 Newsletter No-No’s 4.Don’t use so many different type faces in ONE newsletter that it looks like a cut-and-paste ransom note! Stick to one or two type faces. Get variety with bold, condensed and italic versions of the same type face.

50 Newsletter No-No’s 5.NEVER print body copy in color. (Limit printing headlines in color.) Better use of color is for rules, bullets, line art, masthead, logo, etc.

51 Newsletter No-No’s 6. Don’t overuse tints and screens. Make sure copy can be read through any screen. 6. Don’t overuse tints and screens. Make sure copy can be read through any screen.

52 Newsletter No-No’s. Don’t run text over artwork or graphics 7. Don’t run text over artwork or graphics Because it’s hard to read!!!

53 Newsletter No-No’s 8. Avoid naked copy

54 Newsletter No-No’s 9. Don’t bump boxes … … or multi-column headlines

55 Newsletter No-No’s gray … 10. Don’t go gray … … Break up type with  Graphics/photos  Subheads  Drop caps  Bullets  Rules  Boxes  Screens

56 Newsletter No-No’s 11. Avoid too small headlines  Should be significantly larger than body text  Not all same size  More important = larger (top of page)

57 Newsletter No-No’s 12. Avoid label headlines  Need subject, action verb





62 3. Production: a. Computer software b. Reproduction c. Paper


64 News in Pews United Methodist News Service News Desk (615) 742-5470

65 4. Distribution: a. Frequency b. Timeliness c. Pick up/deliver

66 E-Newsletter Constant Contact (866) 876-8464

67 E-Newsletter Mail Chimp

68 Other resources:


70 # # #

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