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THE E-CORPORATION More Than Just Web-Based, It’s Building a New Industrial Order By Gary Hamel and Jeff Sampler.

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Presentation on theme: "THE E-CORPORATION More Than Just Web-Based, It’s Building a New Industrial Order By Gary Hamel and Jeff Sampler."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE E-CORPORATION More Than Just Web-Based, It’s Building a New Industrial Order By Gary Hamel and Jeff Sampler

2 1. When Push Comes to Suck 2. Just the Plain Truth 3. As You Like It 4. Everything’s an Auction 5. The End of Geography 6. Search Economies Rule 7. My Place, My Time 8. Word of Mouse

3 The Ten Deadly Mistakes of Wanna-Dots By Rosabeth Moss Kanter January, 2001

4 1Sprinkle Internet responsibilities throughout the company -- a little Web site here, a little brochure-ware there. Let them all go forward, as long as they stay small and innocuous. If they look like they have potential, raise skeptical questions at executive meetings and repeat frequently that the Internet is overhyped.

5 2Form a committee to create a new corporate Internet offering, staff it with people from unrelated areas who are already doing five other things, and don’t release them from their regular jobs. Give the leadership role to a bored executive as a reward for his years of loyal service. (Never mind that he has no Internet business experience; he surfs the Web, doesn’t he?)

6 3Find the simplest, least-demanding thing you can do on the Web. Go for copyware that looks like what everyone else is doing. Instead of a killer app, create a “yawner app”. (That will save time and money. And that way, you can cross the Internet off your to-do list quickly.

7 4To build the site, choose the vendors that are the most dismissive of your traditional business (they think you’re dinosaurs) but whose abilities you’re least capable of assessing. Then hand over the technical work to them (that way nobody inside has to learn anything new) but refuse to take their advice about how the site should look (after all, you’re the industry experts). Use more than one vendor -- so you can have the fun of watching them slug it out.

8 5Make sure what you do on the Web is exactly the same as what you do off- line. Duplicate your traditional business assumptions on-line. (After all, the Internet is just a tool, isn’t it?)

9 6Insist that an Internet venture meet every corporate standard: cost controls, quarterly earnings, recruitment sources, compensation policies, purchasing procedures. Allocate just enough resources to keep it alive but not enough to risk its becoming an innovator -- because that would require more investments.

10 7Under the banner of decentralization and business unit autonomy, reward each unit for its own performance, and offer no extra incentives to cooperate in cyberspace. (Maintain your belief that conflict is a healthy spur to higher performance; let the victor get the spoils.) Keep reminding divisions that they are separate businesses because they are different, and that’s that.

11 8Compare your performance with your traditional competitors in the physical world. (That way you will always have someone to whom you can feel superior.) Dismiss on-line competitors as ephemeral fads. And don’t even consider whether companies from unrelated industries could steal across the borders and poach your customers by using the Net. (Why worry about the hypothetical?)

12 9Celebrate your conversion to e-business by giving people in the rest of the organization tools they are unable to use, requiring changes they are confused about making. Tell people this will help them do their work better. Schedule training classes at a distant location. Watch as the new tools take too much time and make it harder to get the work done, then punish people for their resistance to change.

13 10 And, last but not least, never forget that the company, not the customer, is in the driver’s seat. The Internet is an opportunity for us to communicate with them.

14 Examples of Internet Business Models

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