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THE GREEKS. TIME OF THE GREEKS TIME OF THE GREEKS: It flourished between the seventh and II BC in Greece and other Mediterranean territories inhabited.

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2 TIME OF THE GREEKS TIME OF THE GREEKS: It flourished between the seventh and II BC in Greece and other Mediterranean territories inhabited by the Greeks. It is characterized by its aesthetic idealism, proportionality, balance of elements and their interest reflect genuine expression in the human figure, hence, developed a great perfection in the drawing. Athletics, as cultivated by these people, the artists gave their best models.

3 AREA OF THE GREEKS : Hellenic civilization of ancient Greece are spread throughout the Balkans, the Aegean islands and coasts of the peninsula of Anatolia in modern Turkey, constituting the so-called Hellas. The sea was from the beginning a central element in the life of the Greeks as having poor soil into fertile land bowed to navigation. So it was that prompted the contact with other nations and developed trade across the Mediterranean Sea, its seas and islands that dot under the Ionian Sea and the Aegean. The sea permeated everything: everyday life, legends, myths and gods...

4 GREEK FOOD : Unless food consumed by the aristocracy, were usually simple and casual meals. The meat was very expensive and poor eating only at religious festivals, when animals were sacrificed in honor of the gods and made ​​offerings of food and wine. The wine by the glass was taken wide and shallow calices calls. In the symposia used to be powers of drinkers. The Symposium banquet called, were very common in aristocratic circles

5 THE ECONOMICS OF THE GREEKS : Agriculture has played an important role in the economy of Greece. Industries created during the period after World War I were mostly destroyed during World War II and the following civil war. Since then, the development of the manufacturing sector of the economy has been hampered by lack of fuel and the difficulties with the use of hydropower in the country. In 1970, however, the contribution of manufacturing to the annual domestic production for the first time surpassed that of agriculture. Two major sources of income for Greece are shipbuilding and tourism. The extraction of oil from fields in northern Aegean was a boon to the economy in the early 1980's. Greece became a member of the European Economic Community (now European Union) in 1981. The national budget in the early 1990's was estimated at about 37.6 billion dollars in revenue, and 45.1 billion of spending.

6 POLICY OF THE GREEKS From 1 June 1975 with the adoption of the old Constitution, Greece is a parliamentary democratic republic. The monarchy was rejected in a referendum by the Greek people on December 8, 1974 Voting is compulsory and universal, being acquired that right at eighteen. The executive branch is governed by the Head of State, a President who is elected by the Hellenic Parliament. Besides that, there is still the prime minister appointed by the President and Cabinet of the Government, whose members are also appointed by the President, taking into account the recommendations of the prime minister. The legislature is unicameral and has a judicial court and the Supreme Court. The legal system is based on the Roman code. With cuts divided into civil, administrative and criminal.

7 GREEK CULTURE : Culture of Greece has evolved over recent years, with its beginnings in Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations continuing the most remarkable ancient Greece, the birth of the Hellenistic era and through the influence of the Roman Empire and its successor, the Byzantine Empire, in eastern Greece. The Ottoman Empire also had a considerable influence on Greek culture, but is the war of Greek independence that encourages revitalizing Greece and the birth of an individual identity within its multi-faceted culture throughout its history. Culture of Greece has evolved over recent years, with its beginnings in Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations continuing the most remarkable ancient Greece, the birth of the Hellenistic era and through the influence of the Roman Empire and its successor, the Byzantine Empire, in eastern Greece. The Ottoman Empire also had a considerable influence on Greek culture, but is the war of Greek independence that encourages revitalizing Greece and the birth of an individual identity within its multi-faceted culture throughout its history.

8 GREEK RELIGION : Greece is one of the few European countries have an official religion is Greek Orthodox Church is the strong link between the Orthodoxy and the Greek ethnic identities both within Greece and in the Diaspora has led some experts to conclude that the Greeks represent an ethno-religious group like the Jews, Sikhs and Tibetans, where ethnicity and religion are closely linked. While Greece also coexist minorities of Jews and Muslims, these are generally seen as separate ethnic groups and not as "Greeks", though this, of course, is debatable. There is also an important neopagan religious minority seeking to revive the ancient Greek pre- Christian religion.

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