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Date/MonthEventTime/PDUs June 1790 min Webinar: Leading Change: The Good, the Bad and the Best Practices 8am 8am Pacific 1.5 PDUs June 30FREE PMA Speaker.

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Presentation on theme: "Date/MonthEventTime/PDUs June 1790 min Webinar: Leading Change: The Good, the Bad and the Best Practices 8am 8am Pacific 1.5 PDUs June 30FREE PMA Speaker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date/MonthEventTime/PDUs June 1790 min Webinar: Leading Change: The Good, the Bad and the Best Practices 8am 8am Pacific 1.5 PDUs June 30FREE PMA Speaker Series: Are We There Yet? Irene Petrick 60 min webinar 8am 8am Pacific July 15FREE 30 min Webinar: Preview of Program Management Academy’s Q3/Q4 2014 Classes, Webinars, and Events 9am9am Pacific September 23 & 24 2-day Hands on Workshop: Achieving Business Success with Program Management LEADING THE WAY TO IMPROVED BUSINESS SUCCESS 2-day Workshop 14 PDUs Portland, Oregon Both days 8-5pm

2 Date/MonthEventRegister July 2990 min Webinar: Delivering Great User Experience: Connecting Strategies, Stories and Requirements 8am Pacific 1.5 PDUs August 1990 min Webinar: Is it possible? CLEAR, CONCISE & MEASURABLE REQUIREMENTS 9am9am Pacific 1.5 PDUs August 26FREE PMA Speaker Series: No Way Forward Ron Forward 60 min webinar 9am9am Pacific September 490 min Webinar: Even Racetracks have guardrails: Managing Program Success and Risk 8am8am Pacific 1.5 PDUs September 23 & 242-day Hands on Workshop: Achieving Business Success with Program Management LEADING THE WAY TO IMPROVED BUSINESS SUCCESS 2-day Workshop 14 PDUs Portland, Oregon Both days 8-5pm

3 Date/MonthEventRegister October 21FREE PMA Speaker Series: Making the Platform Product Development FrameWORK 60 min Webinar 8am Pacific November 490 min Webinar: Overcoming the challenges and roadblocks to create High Performance Teams 8am Pacific 1.5 PDUs November 1190 min Webinar: Retrospectives: The New Post Mortem 9am9am Pacific 1.5 PDUs

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